dante was sitting in the back in his seat excitedly waiting to get to the park before we arrived and we hopped out the car, "is daddy and simba coming too?" he asked as he held my hand and we walked to the playground, "no they're busy." i said and he nodded with a sigh.

then we arrived at the playground and a smile lit up his face once again as he ran over to hunter and i sat down on a bench a few steps away with kelly, "what's up?" she asked smiling, "not much, how about you?" i questioned smiling.

"not much either, london is nervous for her interview so i've been trying to reassure her that she'll do great."

"what job?"

"at some hairdressing salon nearby."

"oh she'll do great, the bitch knows her hair."

kelly chuckled and nodded while i smiled and watched the boys talk on the swings, "i told her that but you know her, overthinking every little detail." she stated with a sigh, "yeah, and i've become a london recently." i said and she raised a brow at me.

"how come?"

"well zion has been distant with me and yesterday he's been hiding stuff from me, and i'm scared."

"why would he be distant and what could he be hiding?"

"i don't know, our anniversary is coming up in four days so maybe it's something for that and the girls told me it probably is but i'm scared he's doing something bad."

"have you talked to him about it?"

"no because i'm worried he'll think i don't trust him and i do.. but my past with trust has been rocky no asap."

"yeah that's understandable, i say just talks to him."

"but can i say? what are you doing behind my back?"

"yeah, if he's not hiding anything sketchy he'll reassure you but if he is then you'll know, men are bad liars."

i chuckled while she shrugged with a smile so i nodded because she's not wrong, "i've texted him a few minutes and he doesn't seem to be awake so we'll see later." i said and she smiled, "don't overwork yourself with it, focus on dante is my best advice to distract yourself." she stated and i nodded smiling.

so i said what kelly advised and focused on the little boy who will never break my trust.. at least for a few more years until he's a teenager, kelly and i got caught up in our conversation and an hour went by like a minute so i decided to text zion again to see if he was awake yet.

zion 🦁

hey zi?

please answer me


i'm coming over

it was 1 p.m. so there was no way he was still asleep and i starting to think he was avoiding me, "mommy can i play cars with hunter?" dante asked as he walked up to kelly and i with hunter, "no baby we need to go see daddy." i stated and got up, "if you want i can take dante over to my place and he can play with hunter while you.. sort everything out." kelly suggested as she stood up too.

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