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"I hate it already," Zain says. "Just do it for me, I don't care."

"You care or you wouldn't have agreed to it in the first place," Gemma says, poking Zain's thigh with her foot. "But I'll get everything ready and save a few drafts. You just gotta post them regularly, especially in the beginning. And considering you've got the curator calling Tuesday and you don't want to present a completely empty page, I'd say two a day. Try posting one after dinner and the other in the morning, we'll see. There's like proper analytics for when to post but you don't actually wanna be insta-famous, you just want people to find something when they google you, so this should do."

"Whatever," Zain says, pulling a grimace at the barrage of information.

"And you should decide if you want it to be just of your finished art, or maybe you want to include your process as well. You can also do stories and maybe like not so successful bits or drafts or something," Gemma adds, unconcerned.

"You know way too much about this and I already hate it," Zain sighs. "But finished only because that sounds like less work."

"As I expected," Gemma sighs. "I might tag you in the future. And if you wanna be really fame, ask Harry to mention you again or something."

"We'll see," Zain says, because he's definitely not gonna do that. He's already regretting letting the enthusiasm of yesterday sweep him away and start an instagram when it wasn't even clear if Margaret would want him to show anything, much less care if he had an online presence as an artist when he did.

"I'll ask him later," Gemma says, interpreting his answer correctly. "Alright, here. Post it yourself. You can change stuff obviously, but I tried to keep it as you as possible, yea?" she says, handing him his phone back and kissing his cheek. "And your art is really good, I'm a bit angry that you haven't shown me before."

"You saw Harry's pieces," Zain shrugs. The post seems as non-offensive as a instagram post with a marketing intent could be. He pulls a grimace and hits post, watching it appear on his profile. His profile, too, was mostly inoffensive and he had to admit that Gemma was right in saying she had tried to keep it him. "Thanks, Gems. I appreciate it."

"Of course," Gemma says, getting up and stretching. "I'm gonna take a shower now and get ready. I said I'd meet a friend for lunch before the meeting."

"Have fun," Zain says, letting himself fall face first onto the couch. "Text if you're not home for dinner."

"Yes, worrywart," Gemma grins, pressing a smacking kiss to the back of Zain's head.


"You're home really late," Zain says, yawning. Freddie is mostly asleep as well, his head on Zain's shoulder lolling to the side when Zain tries to sit up a bit not even managing to keep his eyes open. "When you said late, I didn't expect this."

"Sorry," Harry says, wincing slightly, "I meant to text but things kept coming up." He leans down to kiss Zain hello, taking Freddie's face between his hands and kissing him as well. "Where are the others?"

"Gemma went out with friends and Louis with coworkers," Zain answers with another yawn. "It's just me and the monster and he's already good for bed, he just wanted to wait for you."

"Sorry I didn't text," Harry says, picking Freddie up.

"s fine," Zain shrugs, patting Harry's thigh. "I would've called in a bit."

Harry hums in agreement, most of his attention of Freddie.

"Are you gonna put him to bed?" Zain asks, stretching his hands above his head.

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