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Freddie loves waking up. It's great because it means he can have a full day of playing but also because mummy and Zain are still in bed and he can cuddle a bit.

He's super good at using the toilet on his own and he always washes his hands with the funny soap mummy got him special. Sometimes he's got to play first but it's a bit cold today and Zain's bed is always warm and nice, and more so when mummy was in it as well.

Zain and mummy are always always cuddling when Freddie comes to wake them up but that's ok because he can fit himself between. Mummy always wakes up and kisses him and Zain never does, he just hugs Freddie close so they could have wake up cuddles like they have done forever.

It was nice too, because mummy worked a lot a lot but in the morning he always talked to Freddie about everything and Freddie could tell the baby all the important things. It was still growing loads and loads but there was super much to tell it, all the things it needed to know before it was born.

"Hi, baby," mummy says, kissing his cheek. "Sleep well?"

"Yea," Freddie nods, fidgeting when mummy tries to comb his hair.

Freddie loves his mummy. He hasn't had him as long as other kids have had their mummy, not like Hassan who's always had his, but that doesn't matter. His mummy was the best even when he was trying to make Freddie's hair neat, which was stupid.

"I dreamt I had a baby!" Freddie remembers suddenly, turning around to look at Mummy and patting his belly. "But it was not as slow are yours," he adds because mummy's baby didn't grow at all. "And it could fly."

"Exciting," Mummy says with a smile. Mummy was always smiling at Freddie, it was nice. He also always smiles at Zain and kisses Zain, it was a bother because it took time away from playing.

"Yea," Freddie agrees, poking at Zain's nose. Zain wrinkles his nose but doesn't wake up. He wakes up much easier when mummy wasn't there, it was like mummy made him sleepy.

"I'm gonna go to the park later, Zain said," Freddie informs mummy. "And Hassan's gonna show me his new car he said."

"What's his new car?"

"A Lambo," Freddie says. "It has a longer name but we can't remember. It's green, that's good."

"Green is a good colour, hm?" Mummy says.

"I just said, mummy," Freddie reminds him, scooting down to tell the baby about his dream until Zain wakes up and he can have morning cuddles.


"Mummy!" Freddie calls, waving so mummy will see him.

Mummy's not paying attention, though, talking to strangers.

"Monster," Zain says, taking Freddie's hand and keeping him from running to mummy, which was stupid. "He'll be here any second, patience."

"I am patient," Freddie says, hanging himself off Zain's hands.

It wasn't as good as swings but almost and the swings were far away because Zain and mummy needed to go visit dada and dadi for Eid.

Freddie doesn't know why he's not going as well because he loves all the food but Zain had said he would bring home a lot a lot and Freddie could have all the sweets dadi always made for him and he could spend all of tomorrow only with daddy which was good also because daddy was also working a lot a lot, even more than mummy was.

"Okay," Mummy says, sounding weird and walking more without waiting for Freddie or Zain. Freddie looks at Zain but Zain just tweaks his nose, grinning, so Freddie guesses mummy just has to pee again.

Mummy has to pee lots now. It's the baby's fault though mummy and Zain don't like it when Freddie says that even though it's true. The baby made mummy pee all the time and also hungry and then not and then he wanted to cuddle Freddie and then he wanted to nap. It was all a bit much, Freddie cannot wait for the baby to finally stop being inside mummy's belly so mummy would be back to normal and Freddie could play with it.

"Mummy!" Freddie remembers, rushing up to him and taking his hand. "Mummy, when we go back to the beach I want to wear my new hat! It's so cool, did you see it?"

"Hm?" Mummy makes, looking down at Freddie like he does after a nap, like he is surprised.

Freddie rolls his eyes and pulls on his hand. "My new hat, mummy," he says. "It's got paw patrol on it! It's so so cool!"

"Is it?" Mummy says.

"Yeeeees," Freddie says. "I just said!"

"Right," Mummy nods. "Sounds super cool. You excited to spend a few days with your dad?"

Freddie nods. "Daddy said we're gonna play football and have pizza oh and he said we are going to the cinema and watch a real film there! With popcorn! That's so cool, don't you think?"

"Yea," Mummy agrees, smiling down at Freddie. "Wanna have the key?"

"Yes!" Freddie nods as hard as he can. They're almost at home, he hasn't realised, but he loves having the keys, they make fun noises and also he is a almost grown up and he can unlock the door all by himself and that was so cool.

"There you go," Mummy says and Freddie takes the keys and runs ahead. He's a super fast runner so it's quick and he's so good at opening the door it's super easy.

"Daddy, I'm home!" He yells once he's inside and he even remembers to put the key in the bowl by the door and he takes his shoes off all by himself.

"Hey, love," Daddy says, coming out of the living room just as Freddie has put the shoes away as neatly as Zain always said to. "Had a good time?"

"Yea!" Freddie yells and throws himself at Daddy. Daddy laughs and swings him around, making everything spin. Freddie giggles and hugs Daddy tightly, tracing the tattoo on Daddy's arm.

Daddy kisses his head like they all do and then starts chatting to Zain and mummy when they're back.

"We're leaving, baby," Mummy says and Freddie gapes up at him, surprised. They haven't said they would leave right away.

"Now?" he asks, looking at Zain.

He doesn't like when they go. He likes it best when Zain and Daddy and Mummy all were there and he could hug them whenever he wanted.

"Now, monster," Zain says, cupping Freddie's face and kissing his nose. "But I'll bring you back all your dadi's sweets, hm?"

"And I can have them all?" Freddie makes sure. It was an okay trade. He loves sweets.

"All of them," Zain says, smiling at him.

"Okay," Freddie nods and lets Zain hug him.

Mummy is a bit leaky when he kisses Freddie goodbye but that was the baby's fault.

"Bye, baby," mummy says.

"Bye, mummy," Freddie says and is glad Daddy is hugging him tightly.

"Wanna have pizza tonight, monster?" Daddy asks when they wave them goodbye. "And we'll eat it on the couch, hm?"

"Yes!" Freddie nods, giggling in delight. They never eat not at the table, Zain didn't like it because dinner was for talking about your day not for watching telly. But daddy was a little rebel like Freddie and they always had the best fun because of it. "Can we watch Cars?"

"Sure, monster," Daddy grins, stealing Freddie's nose.

Freddie knows it's not really stolen but he still makes Daddy give it back before they are back inside. A nose was important.


found parts of this in my drafts and was amused so here we are
also let's not talk about how long it's been since the last update

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