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"Last day of work!" Harry says, settling atop Zain and grinning down at him. He's still wet from his shower, droplets of water falling into Zain as he shakes his head, and way too awake.

"Urgh," Zain makes, wondering if he can believably pretend to fall back asleep.

"No," Harry says, nipping his jaw. "Up."

"Why are you so energetic?" he grunts, pulling Harry into a proper kiss. "Shouldn't the run have tired you out?"

"Tonight, I'll have you and Freddie all to myself for a whole month," Harry says, pressing eager kisses to Zain's eyelids and cheek. "Almost."

"Great," Zain says drily, running his hand up Harry's back.

"Right," Harry grins, settling fully onto Zain, cupping his face and stroking his thumbs over Zain's cheekbones.

He frowns. "I got another mail from Kathie's mum. Should we actually tell someone that we aren't married?"

"You wanna explain why you have an email with my last name?" Zain yawns, running a hand through Harry's hair.

"No," Harry wrinkles his nose. "When did Freddie decide to go after all? I don't want him to go to a bully's birthday party."

"I asked him Wednesday," Zain says, smoothing his thumb over Harry's frown. "We talked a bit about it and he decided he wants to give them another chance. He doesn't wanna miss out, you know," he explains. "But I promised I'd stay and we'd leave if they are horrid again. Hope to catch them out actually, wanna talk to the parents."

"Why haven't you?" Harry frowns.

"Babe, if one of the mums came up to you and told you Freddie was a little bully would you believe it?"

"No," Harry frowns. "But Freddie isn't, he's sweet. He wouldn't."

"Babe, that's how all people feel about their children. If we just go up and tell them they're little pricks they'll dismiss us as, I don't know. Jealous. And end up blaming Freddie anyways."

"We should look for a new team for him," Harry sighs, an unhappy frown on his face.

"We should," Zain agrees with another sigh. "But there aren't any spots open close by and he loves football. It's not that bad, babe. He loves football and I check up on him, you know, they get along most of the time."

"Yea," Harry frowns, nuzzling at Zain's cheek. "I just worry. He's so sweet, my poor baby."

"And he comes and talks to us about it, doesn't he?" Zain soothes him. "The monster."

Harry sighs, nodding. "When's the party anyways?"

"The Saturday after we come back from our holiday," Zain says, rubbing Harry's cheek. "You ready to go to work now, babe?"

Harry shrugs. "Yea. I might actually be done early today because we actually finished most of it yesterday. But we're going for dinner if we do, so-," he shrugs.

"So you'll be home late, that's fine," Zain says, rubbing his hand over Harry's thigh when he sits up. "I think Louis's got a date tonight."

"Which who? The girl from last time?" Harry asks, looking curious even as he climbs off Zain and starts getting properly dressed.

Zain rolls over onto his front and hides in the pillow. "Dunno," he says.

"Zain," Harry sighs, exasperated, pulling the blanket away. "Don't you talk to Louis?"

"He's been in a bit of a shit mood," Zain mumbles into the pillow, futilely trying to tug the blanket back up with his feet.

Harry pulls it away further. "Up!" He says firmly. "Louis's already gone, I need to leave and Freddie's probably destroying the living room right now."

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