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"And then," Freddie continues, leaning backwards with his hands in Harry's pocket, "we can go swim, Mummy. Because I have to go home with Zain soon and then I can't swim."

"That's true," Harry says, squinting against the sun and pushing his shades up. "In the pool or in the ocean?"

Freddie hesitates for a moment, dangling backwards. "Pool," he decides, tilting his head back. "The ocean is cold and you never let me go."

"Because of the tide, baby," Harry reminds him.

"And it's probably gonna be gone again," Freddie remembers.

"Harry? Hi," Fionn says, making Harry squint some more.

"Hi," he smiles at Fionn and Tom, raising his arm to shade his eyes. "How're you?"

"Alright," Fionn smiles. "Grabbing some snacks. You?"

"Same, more or less," Harry says with a shrug.

"Who're you?" Freddie demands, frowning up at them while still leaning back.

"Manners, Freddie," Harry reminds him. "I work with them."

"With the film or the music?" Freddie asks, letting go of one of Harry's pockets to scratch his nose and almost losing his balance. He straightens, attaching himself to Harry's leg instead, cheek pressed against Harry's belly.

"The film," Harry says and then wishes he didn't.

"I don't like the film," Freddie says at once, glaring at Tom and Fionn defiantly.

Harry holds back a sigh. "You have said plenty. You don't have to tell everyone, baby, it's hurtful."

"I'm just saying my 'pinion. I can say my 'pinion," Freddie says, then abruptly loses interest. "When's Zain and Daddy done?"

"Dunno," Harry shrugs, checking over his shoulder on reflex.

"Sorry," he adds to Fionn and Tom and then wishes he hadn't. "Are you gonna spend the day at the beach?"

"Probably. Surprised we got the day off tomorrow but more beach time that's for sunbathing," Tom says, his eyes darting down to Freddie, who's started rubbing his face against Harry's belly. Bored.

"Yea," Harry says, stroking his fingers through Freddie's hair. He couldn't be happier. "Weird that I'll be done soon, you know."

"Yea," Tom nods.

"About time, though, huh," Fionn says and then seems to flush.

Harry grins at him, amused, as he stutters a bit awkwardly. "Yea," he agrees, patting the side of his belly, more visible in just a white shirt than all the layers of the costume.

"Alright," Louis says, startling Harry slightly with how quietly he's approached. He picks up Freddie to his excited squeal of "Daddy" and hangs him upside down.

"These are Tom and Fionn," Harry introduces over Freddie's delighted giggles. "From the f-word."

Louis snorts, amused, patting Freddie's bum gently. "Has been telling you how much he likes it, huh," he says with a nod. "'m Louis."

"Where's Zain?" Harry asks, looking past Louis.

"Run off with a French girl," Louis says promptly.

"And when will he be back from that?" Harry asks, rolling his eyes at Fionn and Tom, who look a bit confused.

"You'd know better," Louis shrugs with a smirk. "2 minutes?"

"Oh f—," Harry says, slightly offended in Zain's behalf. Even if their stamina has been awful. Not that Louis would know. Hopefully.

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