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"Harry, get up!"

Harry grunts, jerking awake, completely disoriented for a moment and slapping around for his phone.
His mum hasn't woken him up in ages.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks, stumbling towards the door half blind with sleep.

"Nothing," his mum says, looking complexity relaxed. "It's late you, need to get to work."

Harry blinks at her, scratching his nose and trying to catch up.

"Where's Freddie?" he asks, clearing his throat.

"Downstairs," his mum says, patting his belly gently. "He's telling Trisha about the spider he saw. You're getting big."

"You keep saying that," Harry says, pulling at his tshirt. "Why didn't he come wake me?"

His mum laughs, cupping his cheeks and kissing him quickly. "Don't be jealous, love. He was on his way and got distracted. And we thought you might like the hour of extra sleep. Come on. Get ready. Breakfast is waiting."

"Kay," Harry nods, feeling out of sorts. He's so used to having Freddie demand his attention first thing in the morning, it's disconcerting.

"Thanks," he adds, making his way back into the bedroom.

He checks his phone, but Zain's only texted a quick good morning and to tell he's already talked to Freddie. Gemma's sent him a random picture of her breakfast for whatever reasons and there are couple of emails waiting. Nothing that won't be able to wait until he's in the car.

"Morning," he smiles at Trisha, ruffling Freddie's hair and leaning down to kiss his cheek. "How did you sleep, baby?"

"Good," Freddie says around a mouthful of waffle. "Grandma made waffles."

"I can see," Harry smiles, kissing him again quickly. "Thank you."

"We've been thinking, love," his mum says, pushing a plate towards him. "What are your plans for tomorrow? Are you still having the day off?"

"Yea," Harry says, taking a strawberry under Freddie's watchful gaze and frowning at her quizzically. "Why?"

"Trisha and I want to go to Paris for a few days," his mum says. "And if we wanna do that we should go tomorrow."

"We were thinking about it," Trisha says, shooting his mum a look. "And only if it's alright with you. We are happy to wait for Zain or Louis to arrive."

Harry grins at her, amused. "I don't mind. We'll be fine, right, baby?"

"Huh?" Freddie makes, mouth full, looking up from where he's arranging fruit on his plate with his fingers.

"Like his father," Harry says, ruffling Freddie's hair.

"Which one?" Trisha grins back at him. "They both are excellent at that clueless face."

"Yea," Harry nods, enjoying the moment of companionship. It was weird that his mum knew her better than him, even though it was him that was dating her son. And having her grandchild.

He bites his lip against his smile and turns to his mum. "It's fine, I'll ask today if the schedule is fixed and if it is, I'm gonna be here with Freddie anyways."

"Excellent," his mum nods. "Trisha needs to be back home so soon and I don't wanna rush her through the sights, Paris is way too nice for that."

"That's true," Harry agrees, wrapping his arms around Freddie when he crawls onto his lap. "Paris is very nice."

"Daddy says Paris is boring," Freddie interjects.

"When has your dad been to Paris, Freddie?" Trisha asks, raising an eyebrow.

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