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"Morning, good morning!" Freddie calls, jumping onto the bed enthusiastically and waking them very effectively.

"Baby," Harry groans, burying his face in Zain's shoulder who doesn't do more than twitch.

"Did the baby grow?" Freddie asks, eager and not at all bothered at the lack of response, pushing Harry's t-shirt up and poking at his belly.

"It doesn't grow that fast," Harry says, still mostly asleep, grabbing Freddie blindly to cuddle him for a moment. "Morning, baby, did you sleep well?"

"Yea," Freddie says, squirming around with all his energy. "I dreamt I was a dinosaur. And then I dreamt I was a snake. And then I was playing with the baby. And then I was flying. And then I was a pirate!"

"Sounds exciting, baby," Harry says, yawning, and trying to keep up with Freddie.

"It was cool," Freddie nods, poking at Harry's belly again. "It's growing so slowly," he complains, wiggling over Harry and towards Zain. "Zain."

Zain grunts when Freddie knees him in the stomach. "Oops," Freddie says, patting Zain's belly. "You don't have a baby in your belly, right? So it's ok?"

"It still hurts, monster," Zain says sleepily, running his fingers through Freddie's hair. "What's up?"

"I wanna go to the beach again today, can we?" Freddie asks, putting his elbows on Zain's chest and putting his chin in his hands.

"Sure," Zain nods, rubbing a hand over his eyes. "You wanna swim? Harry's off work today, he can take you."

"Yes!" Freddie shrieks at an ear-pitching value, bouncing slightly and almost kneeing Zain in the stomach again. "Yes, yes, can we?"

"Of course," Harry says, smiling at his enthusiasm. He's spent too much time near the sea and in water recently but seeing Freddie's excitement was contagious. 

"I'm gonna make breakfast," Freddie announces, bouncing all the way off the bed. "Hurry!"

Zain grunts, turning into the pillow. "Why?" he groans. "Now I really have to get up to keep him from doing who knows what in the kitchen." 

"Poor you," Harry grins, kissing Zain's shoulder. "Your child wants to help. It is a real problem. Want me to go?"

"Nah" Zain says without moving, reaching behind him to hold Harry against him. "You've gotten up with him all week, you can stay in bed for a bit." 

He yawns, pushing himself up slowly before Harry can tell him that he doesn't mind. He doesn't mind, he loves spending time with Freddie and he knows Zain appreciates being able to get up a bit later, but it's nice, staying in bed without being along. 

Zain leans over Harry to kiss him. "Any requests?"

"Breakfast in bed?" Harry asks, stroking a strand of hair off Zain's forehead. His hair was getting long, soon he could tuck it behind his ear again. 

Zain rolls his eyes, grabbing a shirt out of the drawer. "He's gonna unlearn everything Lou and I tried to teach him for the past five years at this rate."

"What?" Harry grins, grabbing his phone. "Swearing?"

Zain sticks his tongue out at him, pulling on jogging bottoms that were definitely Harry's and blows him a kiss before leaving him alone.

Harry settles back into the pillows. He'll just close his eyes for a moment and then check his texts.


It's not really warm enough to swim for long, but there are enough people at the beach, spread wide enough across the expanse that Harry isn't too bothered. 

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