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"I'm gone," Louis says, poking his head into the kitchen one last time. "The monster is in the living room and claiming to die of hunger, so hurry."

"You could've started breakfast," Harry says, glaring at Louis slightly.

"Or your boyfriend could help instead of grope you, but to each their own," Louis say. "Later, losers."

"Have fun getting drunk, you wanker," Zain answers, bowing at Harry's neck.

"We're not gonna get drunk this early," Louis says, sneaking up on them to steal a bit of fruit of Harry's cutting board. "We're gonna wait till lunch like respectable people."

"Sure," Zain grins.

Louis smirks back, waving at them as he leaves, ready for a lads day out.

"I'm gonna paint today, yea," Zain says, watching Harry cut up fruit and sneaking his hand under Harry's shirt. "Wanna show Margaret some progress tomorrow."

"Sure," Harry says, offering a piece of apple over his shoulder. "But I'm sure she'd be happy with the progress you've already made."

Zain takes it, chewing and swallowing before he answers. "Yea, I think so too. Just don't wanna fall behind. Or disappoint her. I mean, not that I don't trust her or your lawyers, but I'm pretty sure she can pull out of it fairly easily."

"She wouldn't," Harry says. "I'm sure she likes you a lot. She's always commenting under your Instagram posts and her gallery as well. Would be pretty embarrassing to pull out now."

"Are you stalking my Instagram, babe?" Zain asks, taking a piece of banana when Harry offers it.

"Not sure you can call it stalking when half the time you log into your art Instagram from my iPad and forget to log out again."

"You know I'm lazy," Zain shrugs, unrepentant.

Harry sighs, put upon, but tilts his head so he can press his cheek to Zain's. "Go get the monster," he says, brushing his lips over Zain's jaw. "Breakfast is ready."


"Where's Harry, monster?" Zain asks, stretching his arms over his head and twisting his neck to get rid of the tension in his shoulders and back. He really needed to work on his posture while paining. Or actually give in and join Harry with yoga.

"Sleeping," Freddie whispers at more or less his normal volume, pointing towards the couch. "Look! He was reading and then he started snoring!"

"And what have you been doing, my monster?" Zain asks,  touching down beside him and pressing a kiss to Freddie's cheek.

"Loads," Freddie proclaims, forgetting to whisper. "I did a painting for Daddy and for my room, look it's my Ferrari, and then one for Grandma and one for Dada and then I built a house and my dinosaurs had a wedding and now we're on a treasure hunt."

"Sounds fun," Zain says, stroking his hair off his forehead. "Can I help?"

"Alright, I guess," Freddie says thoughtfully, wiggling out of Zain's embrace. "You can be the little dinosaurs. They get to come along because they helped at the wedding."

Zain nods, pushing himself to his feet again. "That's very nice of them. I'll be right back, just gonna make myself a cuppa. Do you want something to drink?"

"Can I have juice? Apple?"

"Sure, monster," Zain says, looking over the back of the couch. Harry is still asleep, not snoring but breathing deeply. Zain strokes a hand over his cheek and through his hair. He doesn't feel hot so hopefully it wasn't another cold but simply exhaustion.

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