Well, Well, Well

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Alright, ANOTHER WARNING just like the one from the previous chapter. There will be the mention of rape and everything (but no, Florence will not get raped) I will put a warning on where this mature content starts and finishes so you can skip the part if you are uncomfortable reading it. I can assure you this is the last time something like this will happen.

Enjoy reading!

(Also, sorry for any grammar error in this chapter, I'll correct it as soon as I can)

Another thing, you will be re-introduced with a character from the first couple chapters. Read on to find out who!


I sat up straight in the chair, gasping and sweating. If I thought the other simulations were bad, this one was a thousand times worst. I could feel my tears pricking behind my eyes, trying to show themselves but I held them back.

The image of Eric and Peter’s lifeless bodies flashed in my head, the sound when they fell on the floor echoed in every corner of my mind, making it impossible to hide from it. My own father had killed the two people I would do absolutely anything for. He had forced me to choose between the two of them, saying that I could only save one. My body had been incapable to move and to try to stop my father. My words got stuck in my throat, making it impossible to utter a single word. I had taken too long to choose and instead of shooting one, he shot both. I had crumpled to the ground with them, like the sky was weighing on my shoulders and I couldn’t hold it up. Their blood was slowly oozing out of their bodies and the last thing that I had seen before getting out of the simulation was both their dead, cold eyes staring at me.

I breathed in and out deeply, shutting my eyes tightly as I tried to calm down.

“Six minutes and nine seconds,” Four said from beside me. “Good job, that’s better than basically everyone who went through the simulations,” There was something off about his tone of voice, like he was holding back something but I didn’t push it. If he wanted to tell me, he would.

“Great,” I mumbled, my voice lacking any emotion. I silently stood up and made my way towards the door and exited.

I shut the door behind me and when I turned around, I saw Eric leaning against the wall in front of the door. As soon as I saw him, it was now impossible to hold my tears back. So much for being fearless and carefree. I ran towards him and basically attacked him in a hug, my arms wrapping around his neck even with our immense height difference. He lifted me from the ground, his arms holding me tightly to his body.

“Are you okay?” Eric whispered in my ear, his lips kissing my temple in a brotherly way.

“He killed you,” I was able to utter out. “My father killed you and Peter. I wasn’t able to do anything,” My body was shaking at the memory passing through my head.

He killed both of them.

“Don’t worry, Florence, I’m right here. Peter is in the dorm, waiting for you. We’re both fine,” He tried to reassure me. Slowly, he put me back down so I was standing in front of him again. He smiled down at me, caressing my cheek delicately before bringing it back to his side. “Now go, Peter is waiting for you. I’ll be back later to show you guys how you progressed so far. Give you your average time.”

“Alright,” I tried to smile but failed miserably. “See you later then,”

“Peter,” I basically yelled as I practically ran to catch up with him, Molly and Drew. This had been the third time I called his name and he finally stopped.

Complicated Love (Divergent Peter Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora