Rejection and Affection

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This kind of touches some sensitive subject (rape, to be exact), not a lot but just a little bit. This is kind of a spoiler for the chapter but I'd rather warn you guys instead of you reading it and not liking what happens. I just thought I would warn you, if you feel uncomfortable reading scenes like this, I would tell you to skip Florence's POV.


Peter’s POV

Four injected the needle into my arm without even warning me. He quietly sat back down in his chair after he injected the serum into my body, not uttering a word and to be honest, I couldn’t care less. All I had to worry about was getting a good time in the simulation and not stay in there too long.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, waiting for the simulation to take over and bring me into one of my worst fears.

When I opened my eyes again, I was outside, in the park in Candor where I had first kissed Florence. In the playground were four familiar faces. Drew and Molly were sitting on the swings while Eric and Florence were sitting in the playground, quietly talking to each other.

The scene taking place in front of me wasn’t unusual or anything but I felt something tugging in my gut, almost making me not want to go up to them. I just shook off the feeling and made my way over to them. Then I realized my mistake as soon as I saw their judging eyes when they saw me making my way towards them.

I slowed down his steps until I came to a complete stop next to them.

“Hey guys,” I tried to start up a conversation and to get rid of this horrible tension between us.

“What are you doing here?” Florence asked coldly, her eyes as cold as ice. Honestly, it stung to see her almost disgusted to see me here.

“Uh…” I looked at her, clearly confused as to why she would talk to me like that. “Aren’t I allowed to see my girlfriend and my friends?”

Out of everything she could have done, she laughed and I could have sworn she had gotten closer to Eric. “Girlfriend?” she asked in disbelief, pushing a strand of her beautiful brown hair out of her eyes. “What do you mean, girlfriend?”

I frowned, taking a step back like she had punched me. “Excuse me?” She had to be joking right? This was a joke, a nasty, cruel joke they were playing on me. I could feel my heart start to beat faster than it was previously. “You’re my girlfriend,” I told her, slowly making my way towards her.

“Um, no she’s not asshole,” Eric snapped, jumping off the playground to stand in front of me, blocking my view from Florence. “She’s my girlfriend,”

I froze mid-step, my eyes scanning his to see if he was joking. Then, Florence jumped off the playground too and came to stand beside Eric. Her hand intertwined with his and my heart stopped. With one look at me, Eric turned to Florence and leaned down until his lips were firmly pressed against hers. But the worst thing of all was that she kissed him back just like she used to kiss me; the same loving hands intertwining in his hair as she brought him closer to her height as she couldn’t get any taller on her tiptoes.

That’s when my whole world shattered. The one person I cared more about than life itself, who held my heart in her hands was suddenly destroying it right in front of me.

It felt like a lifetime before I found my voice again. “Stop it,” I wanted to shout but it came out as a mere whisper. But nonetheless, they both heard me and pulled away. Both of them had a grin plastered on their faces as they looked at me, like they relished in seeing me in pain.

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