Stage 3

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The next days until it was time for the Dauntless initiation, Molly, Drew, Peter and I discussed strategies on how to get through our fear simulations as fast as we could.

I would have to walk towards the spiders, lie down on the ground and let them crawl all over me; Peter would have to kill me; Molly would have to let the walls basically squish her and Drew would have to let us burry him alive. Of course, we all had other fears, but to us, these were the worst some of the worst so far. In other words, those were the scariest fears we had experienced but we all knew we would most likely face new ones during the fear simulation.

"Can you believe this is it? Dauntless initiation is almost over and we'll either be Dauntless or Factionless in less than twenty-four hours," Molly said with dread lacing in her voice. She didn't look at any of us as she spoke; she just played with the food on her plate.

"Yeah, time passed by pretty fast, don't you think?" I asked my friends, ignoring her comment on what would happen to us after. I was trying to focus on happy thoughts instead. Or as happy as they could get when it involved what we went through during initiation. Then the memory of Peter and I in the cave just a couple of days ago flashed through my mind. Yeah, some of them were really good memories.

"I'm actually pretty happy we're almost finished though," Drew said as he ate some of his fries on his plate. "Sure some of it was ... fun, I guess, but the sooner it's over the better it is,"

I guess Drew might not have found the second half on initiation fun due to him getting beat up by Four and getting ranked close to last during stage two.

"I'm just scared I'm not going to get in," Molly told us quietly, finally giving up on playing with her food as she put her fork down and put her hands in her lap.

"Don't say that, Molly, you'll get in. We all will," I tried to encourage her as best as I could even though I, in fact, did not know if we all would. Only ten people could get into Dauntless and we were competing against the Dauntless born initiates also. But hopefully, I was right.

Every initiate were in the dormitory, getting ready for the last part of initiation. My heart is already beating at a million miles per second with the thought of going through every single one of my fears. What if I don't know how to get through them? What if I can't calm down my heartbeat? How long will I have to suffer to get through every single one of my fears and will I even get over it after? Or will those memories haunt my mind for the rest of my life?

These thoughts run through my mind as we all walk out of the dorm and towards the Pit. It's darker than it usually is due to people standing on the class ceiling above us – which is where we are going. Peter and I hang out in the back, following the group. I'm clutching his hand tightly as a way to calm myself down but it's not working very well. Though with the way that everyone is standing or looking around, I can tell that we're all not very excited to go through the fear simulation.

Before I know it, I'm outside surrounded by Dauntless members and I squeeze Peter's hand even more, scared to lose him in the crowd.

We walk through a clearing where a series of screens are set up. On one of the screens, we see one of the Dauntless-born initiate going through her fear landscape, though we can only see her reactions and not her actual fears. She seems scared, with her eyes wide and beads of sweat falling down her forehead. On a screen beside it, we see a heart monitor. For a second, the girl's heart beat picks up but then she is able to calm down. Once it reaches a normal heartbeat, the screen turns green, probably signaling that she passed the simulation or that she was able to calm down enough to go through her next fear. Either way, she passed that obstacle and the Dauntless cheer. On the screen to the far right shows her time.

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