Death of my Father

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I was laying there, my fingers drawing invisible lines on Peter’s chest as his arm wrapped around my waist. We both couldn’t keep the goofy smile off our faces at what went down between us.

I don’t know how it was possible, but I loved Peter even more than I already did. Every laugh, every smile, every heartbeat was for him. He was my light at the end of the tunnel, my stars and moon during the night. He was my everything.

I was never the dream girl every guy wished they had. I had a messed up life; my hair wasn’t perfect all the time; I wasn’t the skinniest girl out there; I had quite the attitude sometimes but at the end of the day, Peter always seemed to see only the good and never judged me. He oversaw all my flaws and imperfections and loved me through anything and everything that happened.

Love didn’t even begin to explain how much he meant to me. If I had to give my life to save him, I would do it without a second thought. If I had to kill for him I would. I would do anything for him.

We laid there for a while longer, just bathing in each other’s presence without saying anything until Peter sat up.

“We should go; people might start getting suspicious about where we are,” he said as he put on his pants.

“Fine,” I groaned, following suite after a moment of debating whether I should get up or not.

 We both got dressed in a comfortable silence and made our way out of the cave together.

“So, where were you two last night?” Molly asked, eyebrows raised as she took a bite of her toast.

A blush appeared on my face once the words left Molly’s mouth. Obviously she knew what happened between the two of us with the look she was giving us.

I saw Peter laughing lightly beside me, shaking his head at Molly. “Why are you asking when you already know?”

“Because it’s funner to see your faces get all red when I bring up the subject of you two having sex,” She said and rather loudly at that.

“First of all, funner is not a word. Second of all, shh!” I hit her arm to get her to stop talking which only led to her laughing at me.

“Look at your face, you’re all red!” she continued to laugh even more now and people were starting to look at us weirdly.

“Molly, shut up,” I ordered in a low voice. I hated having so much attention directed to me, especially right now.

It took Molly a while but after threatening to murder her in her sleep, she finally calmed down.

“So today is our fear landscape practice,” Drew spoke up for the first time since we started eating.

“Yeah,” I nodded, finishing my peanut butter covered toast. “I’m kind of excited to be able to control the simulations,”

Molly nodded along. “Me too,”

“Do you think we’ll be going through our fears or something?” Peter asked.

“Good question but I have no idea,” I answered. With everything that happened, I hadn’t thought about it. But this is Dauntless we’re talking about, they had to have planned something. “Guess we’ll have to wait and see,”

As we arrive, Lauren, the instructor for the Dauntless-born initiates, stands outside the fear landscape room with her hands on her hips. “Two years ago, I was afraid of spiders, suffocation, walls that inch slowly inward and trap you between them, getting thrown out of Dauntless, uncontrollable bleeding, getting run over by a train, my father’s death, public humiliation, and kidnapping by men without faces.

Complicated Love (Divergent Peter Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora