Brought Back to Your Place

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“What took you so long?” Molly grumbled as I walked back towards training. Fighting was over but my friends had the decency to wait by the door for me.

“The nurse is very slow,” I told her honestly. “She kept forgetting I was there until I spoke up. After the third time, I got pissed and threatened her that if she didn’t give me the icepack, I would beat her up so hard that she would be one of the patients in the infirmary. That got her moving.” We all laughed at my little story in the infirmary before I gave Molly the icepack. “Now stop whining because now you have your icepack.” My hand was freezing and I rubbed it on my thigh to try to warm it up. Peter, seeing what I was trying to do, decided to take my hand and warm it up himself.

I wanted to smile and thank him but my guilt of keeping something from him took over me. I couldn’t just stand here knowing I wasn’t being honest with him and I definitely couldn’t act as if nothing was wrong.

I will just take him away from our friends and tell him. I didn’t do anything wrong, it’s not as if I kissed Eric back so why should I be scared? Maybe because he made me promise that if he did anything to me he would personally kill him and I didn’t want that at all.

“Molly?” I blurted out, cutting through Drew’s talking and all their eyes fixated on me. “Sorry, but can I talk to you in private?” What was I doing? I need to talk to Peter, not Molly.

Or maybe I did need to talk to her, get her opinion on what I should do, ask her some advice. She’ll know what to do.

Her brows furrowed together but she nodded anyways and we both walked away together.

We walked side by side, not saying a word even when we stood by the chasm in the Pit. I didn’t want to start the conversation so I guess Molly took it upon herself to speak up first.

“Alright, what’s wrong Florence?” she asked, placing her hand on my shoulder while the other held the ice to her bruised up cheek.

“How do you know something is wrong?” I tried to smile, to play it cool but I failed miserably.

“Because if something wasn’t wrong, you’d either be sucking faces with Peter or talking to him and not me,”

The sad thing is that she was right, I probably would.

Taking a deep breath, I turned to face her and told her everything; from training with Eric, to him kissing me then to him telling me that he wanted me to chose him over Peter. When I finished, it felt as if a huge weight got lifted off my shoulders and I felt a lot better.

What made me feel uneasy was that Molly turned around and leaned on the railing of the chasm, not saying anything. The sound of the chasm was the only thing heard around us, deafening any other sound from around us.

It took long, torturous minutes before Molly spoke again. “Did you kiss him back?”

I looked at her in shock. “No, of course not!” Even if I may have wanted to in the moment, but I’m happy I pulled away before anything may have happened.

“I wouldn’t tell Peter, even if you didn’t kiss Eric back,” Molly said as she looked at me.

“Why shouldn’t I tell him?” I asked.

“Because I was playing the scene of what could happen if you told Peter over in my head which mostly consisted of Peter destroying any living proof of Eric or that he ever existed.”

My mouth fell open in disbelief at what she just said. “You mean that Peter would actually consider killing Eric?”

“Look, I know that you guys have dated for almost a year now but I’ve known him my whole life. If he knows that Eric kissed you then he won’t be scared to hurt him.” She sighed as she saw my shocked expression. “Florence, you may not always believe this but Peter is madly in love with you. If you asked him to steal, he would. If you asked him to kill someone for you, he would do it without a second thought as long as it made you happy. You are his whole world and I don’t even know what he’d do if you ever left him. I’m pretty sure he would go mad in grief and blame himself. When you’re not around, he counts the seconds until he can see you. And when you are with him, he will always find a way to be as close to you as possible.

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