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"Y/N, what do you think?" Asks Hoseok.
"Hoseok! You look amazing. I'm sure you're going to attract a lot of customers."
"But... i only want you to look at me," says Hoseok with those irresistible puppy eyes.
"Ok not now ," you slightly blushed and pushed him to the front of the entrance giving him flyers.
"Hand these to everyone who passes by and smile and tell them to visit our cafe ok? We really need a lot of customers."
"Oh also you need this," you say as you put a puppy ear hairband on his head. "Muchhh better."
"Ok! I will do as master Y/N says," says Hoseok adorably.
Everything was set and everyone  were ready for the customers to arrive .Minutes pass by but no one came so far.
11.30 A.M
12 P.M
"Y/N... I don't know anymore. I don't know if we will get any customers now that the other cafe seems to be doing well. I spent a lot of money on this Y/N," says Jimin as his eyes start to slowly form tears and looks down to the ground.
"Hey, don't give up. I know this cafe means everything to you. Trust me its going to work," you assured him as you held his hand and smiled at him.
5 P.M and still no one.
"Guys let's just pack up and let's just hope things get better tomorrow," you tell everyone as you grab your things and go outside to tell Hoseok to change back into his normal clothes.
"Hoseok ahh, come in work is over for the day."
"But no one came in today," he says as he frowns. "I'm not a good boy am I Y/N?"
"No! You definitely are a good boy... what happened today isn't your fault," you told him calmly and tried to look ok.
You and the others say bye and leave. You noticed how upset Jimin was but you gave him an 'it'll be ok' look that made him a smile a little.
You and Hoseok arrived home.
"Hoseok , I think im going to bed so I'll just make you some instant noodles. Is that ok?"
"It's ok! I know how to make them. I've seen them in all the dramas," he says with a proud smile.
"Of course," you tell him sarcastically. You were too upset and tired to think of anything else. You had hoped that something good would've happened on your birthday. Unfortunately one can't get everything huh?
"Hey master Y/N? Would you be happy if you got a lot of customers tomorrow?" Asks Hoseok
"I definitely would but honestly even I'm starting to doubt if this cafe will last and I can't find a new job now too Hoseok. I haven't been paid enough but I'm only here because I trust Jimin ,Jessi and Kevin. They're my home."
You change into PJ's and as you go to bed you instantly fall asleep.
The next day
9 A.M
* phone vibrates *
You wake up groaning as you pick up your phone. "Hello?"
"Y/N!!! Get your ass here girl! It's urgent!" Screams Kevin.
"Ok I'll be there soon don't worry," you tell him as you immediately end the call and you rushed to get ready.
'Wait where's Hoseok?' You thought and looked around but he was no where to be seen. 'Did he go out?'
You didnt have time to think and quickly locked the door and went out.
"Oh my... how did this even happen?" You gasped and your eyes widened as you stood outside the cafe.

~My New Pet~ Hoseok  X Reader FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat