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"I'm sorry do we know each other?" Asks Jimin.

"I... uh...Y/N HAS BEEN SPEAKING A LOT ABOUT YOU AND I WANTED TO KNOW IF THAT WAS YOU!"  Hoseok  blurted out lies and you put your hands on his mouth to shut him up.

"Ahh  I know Y/N must be very fond of me isn't that right Y/N?" He smirked and winked at you.

"HOLY CRAP IT'S NOTHING LIKE THAT. HE'S LYING!" Your  cheeks turned red and hot  from the sudden words from Hoseok.

"Really then how else would he know me if you didn't tell him?" Jimin laughed, covering his mouth as he does so.

Hoseok pulled your hands  away from his mouth and said, " I lied. Uh didn't you work at a pet store  6 years ago?"

"Yes I did. Why do you ask? Did we meet there?"

"Umm  yeah I guess. We spoke too or well you spoke, I listened," Hoseok  said as he looked  at the ground.

"Oh? I don't remember  but damn I must've  annoyed you if I was the one talking all the time."

"No you were not. You were the one who made me feel  better so im grateful."

"Oh." Replied Jimin  from the sudden  sweet words  from Hoseok's  mouth.

Kevin arrived  with a few more drinks Jimin ordered for us and just as he arrived at our table Taehyung  stood up, knocking  over the tray, spilling juice all over him.


Kevin  tries to wipe away the juice from Taehyungs  face and very carefully  that too.

"I'm sorry Sir. Let me make it up to you I have some  spare clothes so you can use them."

"Oh thanks!"

Kevin crossed arms with taehyung  and took him the room where Hoseok  changed first. He turned around to see Jungkook who looked like he would  start 15 murders  right now.

"Okay well Hoseok and I are going home  if that's okay with you Jimin?" You look at Jimin with a pout.

"Yeah sure do whatever  you want."

You grab Hoseok's  hand and walk outside  the door.

~My New Pet~ Hoseok  X Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now