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"Hoseok-ahh! Eat some breakfast I made for you!"

"My owner is so cute when she cooks," he says as he stands besides you as you start plating up the food.

You start blushing and you looked down. "Let's eat this quickly we don't want to be late for work," you say and he starts eating the pancakes almost immediately and quickly. You didn't tell him that it was your birthday.

"Hey slow down you'll end up choking," you laugh seeing his face all stuffed because of the food in his mouth. He looked so adorable that way. You finish your breakfast as well and the both of you leave for work.

As you both arrived at the cafe, You stopped and just stared at how different it looked. There were animal shaped balloons and a 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' sign that hung on top. You were overhwhelmed with joy and you took Hoseoks hand and went in.

"Surprise!" Yelled Jessi and Kevin with a confetti canon in their hand.

"You guys! This is so sweet of y'all ," you said as you gave Jessi and Kevin a huge bear hug.

"Birthday? Wait it's owner's birthday?" Questioned Hoseok as he tilted his head.

"Owner?" Asked Jimin who had a small chocolate cake in his hand with a candle lit.

"Oh he's just joking around he always calls me that for fun," you said with your cheeks red.

"I see anyways come blow this before the candle melts the cake and my hands and I have really precious hands," Jimin said as he raised one of his hands up and boy were they tiny especially his pinky finger.
( *I just had to alright?😂*)

"More like tiny, cute fingers," You snorted and blew the candle. Everyone clapped and then everyone went back to work.

"Hey owner? Do people always do that for birthdays? Cake and candle blowing and things like that?" Asked Hoseok.

"Yes Hoseok. Oh you have never had a birthday before have you?"

"No... I don't think I have a birthday or maybe I don't know when I was born," he said looking down.

"Then If you can't remember that let's give you a birthday. The day you came into my life. February 18th."

Hoseok looked at you and gave you a hug and Jimin coughed from behind.

"You know even though it's your birthday we still have to work Y/N," said Jimin who walked away after saying that.

"Sorry Chim,"you said.

"Anyways, Hoseok let's get you into a uniform and you will he in charge of bringing in customers and selling flyers." You handed out the flyers to him and told him to get changed.

After a while Hoseok came out looking like the cutest Barista you've ever seen.

~My New Pet~ Hoseok  X Reader FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora