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On arriving home, you walk towards  the kitchen and brought out a big bowl  to put the dog food in for Hoseok.

"Hoseok- ahh, here's your food," you called   and watched Hoseok run  so fast  towards you and  started licking your face.
" Aish  cutie~"
He started eating the food hastily. Seems like he was extremely  hungry.

You walked towards the bathroom, washed up since you didn't really feel like eating after that huge meal  the lady offered you. You wore your usual  clothes for sleep, a plain white t-shirt  , panties and no bra.

"Hoseok-ahh," come sleep in my room  as you patted the bed signalling  him where to come  and he ran inside  and went on top of your bed. You get in the sheets  and watched hoseok lie right next to you again  licking your face.

"Goodnight," you say to him and switched the lights off.

That night  you had the most wonderful sleep.

~My New Pet~ Hoseok  X Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now