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A week passed by quickly. The number of customers kept decreasing and the cafe was turning grey. You knew if things kept going as it is the cafe would eventually shut down and one fine day what you thought became true.
"Guys, we haven't received any customers these 2 days since that damned coffee shop nearby started," says Jimin looking at all of us who sat in a circle around him, frustration on his face.

"If this keeps going on, we might have to to shut down the business. I'm very sorry to those who have worked here the longest especially Y/N and Jessi who's been with us since day 1. You all will receive your last pay at the end of this month and maybe new job offers as well."

A tear left your eye and everyone's as well. You weren't just working here, it was like home. You were all friendly and your boss wasn't like the others. Leaving the cafe seemed horrible because it was the only place where you could rely on for good pay to pay for your mother and the only place where you could relax and stop thinking about all that happened in your life. They were your friends. No they were your family.

You stood up and boldly said, "Well we still have a whole month right? Let's work as much and do the best we can. I am not letting this cafe shut down and see everyone leave. We are in this together and I'm not letting go of my family."

" Yeah let's listen to Y/N, we're family right? We need to stay together. So Y/N, what should we do?"

'"What should we do?" Echoed in your mind because you had no idea of what can be done.

" I'm not sure but we will find a way right?"

They left home knowing that they could count on you while you stayed back. You were staring into space. Jimin came up to you and said, " Hey I know what you're thinking and look I know how much working here means to you. I remember starting this cafe 5 years ago and I remember how you and jessi were the first ones to work here. Bad things do happen but then it's not like the good things won't appear. Lets hope we end up getting a lot of it. I gotta go now but I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Y/N."

He waved goodbye and you locked the door and left to go home remembering Jimin's words.

~My New Pet~ Hoseok  X Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now