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lisa's pov

"say that again." my buddy jisoo asked in a low unbelievable voice.

"kim jongin? kai??" she frowned, "no way! she- what??? no, there's no fucking way. are you sure you didn't see the wrong person??"

"no! yes way that's possible!!" i screamed, covering my face with my pillow letting my sorrowful tears seep into the sheets. it's only been less than a day since that sight of them together haunted me.

oh god what if they got back together? AJKANDJSK

"they dated in high school remember?" chaeng reminded as she threw her last bag of eaten cheetos into the dustbin from across my bedroom. she walked over and rubbed my back like someone i loved had just passed away.

"yeah-! but i mean, there's no fucking way they would be back together! it's been what, more than 4 years since they dated?? bitch give me a break, jennie kim wouldn't stoop THAT low, come on!" the auburn hair girl pinched the bridge of her nose when i wouldn't budge.

i refused to face anyone right now.

i haven't even gotten the chance to propose, or confess, whatever it is, and this happened.

i still remember the same feeling in high school when i first found out jennie was dating kai. it felt like my entire world had fallen apart and there was even this once when i skipped school because i heard someone say they saw the two of them kissing against the lockers.

i don't think i'm being jealous right now, it's more of heartbroken.

yeah, that's the word.

as soon as i lifted the pillow off my face, jisoo gripped both my shoulders harshly, shocking both me and chaeng as she yelled hysterically, "i don't fucking care, you're gonna bring that bitch here right now and i'm gonna sl-"

"can you not call her a bitch? she's still the love of my life, mind you."

"and you're still defending her?? wowww," jisoo balls her eyes out at me pure disgusted. "okay, i'm just- i have no words."

"stop it jichu, seriously. can't you see lisa's like.. depressed? what she needs right now is a sandwich."

"wow, thanks for pointing out the obvious chaeng. i know i'm depressed, and i'm sorry to break it to you but a sandwich only works for you when you're sad."

chaeyoung pouts, but before she had the time to protest to me about how eating allows more tryptophan to enter the brain, which allows more serotonin to be synthesized in the brain, which tends to better improve one's mood, the chicken obsessed lady butt in.

"are you calling me blind? of course i can tell." jisoo sighs and scratches her nape awkwardly, "i was just trying to tell you that you need to go get jennie right now, and get the damn answers."

"i can't face her right now chu, i don't know what to say to her."

jisoo groans painstakingly and slaps her forehead multiple times thinking strenuously, while chaeng shuts her eyes in distress because the auburn hair girl was always dramatising everything and making her look like she's the main character when she really isn't.

"you, lalisa manoban, are going to send her a text asking to meet. and then you're going to demand what her relationship with kai bitch is. if she's seeing him, i want you to come back immediately and server all ties with her. you've had enough, high school was painful, i don't want you to feel the same unrequited lovey dovey shit again. it's not worth it. but if she's not seeing him, then you better chase after her. we aren't losing any chances."

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