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[a/n] yes double update.

jennie's pov

i never noticed how great it felt like hanging out with someone until i decided to go see a movie with lisa. well, maybe because it was her that i'm with, that's why i'm loving it. or maybe it's because i don't usually go to the movies with anyone.

i usually came alone but now i think it feels more satisfying coming with someone.

"do you want to try this?" lisa whispered as she tipped her box of popcorns over to my side. she bought the caramel one and it was sweetened while i bought the salted one and i haven't tried caramel popcorns before.

"is it nice?"

she flashes a charming smile, "yes, trust me."

the movie was almost ending, and indeed the sweetened popcorn was something different since i've always only bought salted.

for the next 15 minutes, we were having our moment with the movie when i felt frozen fingertips crawl into the palm of mine. i snapped my head to look under the armrest to find lisa's fingers huddled up against my warm palm.

"sorry, my fingers are really numb, hope you don't mind."

i felt my face get hot because we were in contact and i just let my hand dangle while her chilled fingers started to get slightly warm from my palm.

it was tingly and it felt like my entire arm was being electrocuted or fried. something about this contact sent jolts up my nerves.

could this be her attempt at us holding hands? oh my god, if finger to palm contact is already this strenuous for me, palm to palm contact would be worst!

soon after, the movie ended and we made our way to the nearby mall where we settled at the side road cafe for a drink. it was still early so we figured we shouldn't take dinner together.

"so, how was it after high school?" lisa starts, staring at me attentively like nothing else around us could distract her.

"how'd you end up being a lawyer?"

"oh," i pondered, "you know tae? he kinda talked me into criminal stories one day when we were still in high school and i got intrigued by it somehow. and then that let me to want to study law in uni."

i looked at lisa, and saw how she was smiling at me genuinely that the smile reached her eyes. it looked like she wanted to hear more so i went on.

"actually, a lot of people asked me why out of all the different type of lawyers i could chose to be, why'd i want to defend criminals. the thing is, i became vitally interested in the guilty causes of human conduct. and i really try to seek humanity that's left in criminals no matter what they've done cause i do believe everyone has a good heart, you know? deep down, lowkey. it's just that they've probably been guided to think or do things irrationally which made them commit a crime."

"and this all also started because i've always thought our school's cleaners weren't being treated like how they deserved. and.. you know, everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves."

her stare got curious, "wow, have you always sounded this wise? cause, wow." she gasps, "and criminal defense lawyer? that's hot."

"i don't know, it's just how i really feel i guess?" i chuckled, a small smile creeping up my lips thinking about her saying 'that's hot' looking like she was about to drool.

"and speaking of our school cleaners, i think you would've known i was distributing those milk cartons i took to them."

"i didn't." she claims, baffled again.

Her Love LetterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora