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[a/n] double update!

jennie's pov

"lisa? lisa!" once the match was over, i made my way down near the barrier of podium where she stood, and where i was allowed to stand at.

and she won, again. i mean, since when does she lose?

with expectant eyes, i saw that she turned to look at me, a little shocked. i was about to speak again but-

"hey you! stop!" the same auburn hair lady came yelling as she followed me, dragging the blonde along with her.

poor blondie.

"what did you say again?!" she raised a finger at me, flabbergasted. obviously she didn't believe me when i told her,

"lisa gave me a love letter in high school." i deadpanned.

"you're lying! she doesn't give love letters! and we don't even know you!"

"of course you wouldn't, why would you?" i frowned, not understanding where she was coming from. the lady looked behind me into lisa's direction before pointing towards herself and the blonde.

"we're her best friends in high school, you delusional woman. and i've never seen you before so get the hell away from lisa."

i squint my eyes through my sunglasses as i took a good look at them. ah, what puberty can do to us. what a perfect glow up looked like.

oh, they looked nothing like this in high school. no offence or anything, but in my opinion they definitely look better now, much more attractive.

not that i took notice to lisa and her two clingy friends, but i'm pretty observant. and i have pretty darn good memory too.

"i am not delusional." i gritted, "i have proof." i said, unconsciously gripping onto my purse containing the letter tightly.

"well no one has time for your bullshit." she retorted.

before she has any time to do anything to me, i turned back to look at lisa. her face looked flushed under the scorching sun and her doe eyes really said, 'what's going on?'.

i made eye contact with her as i tried to push past the sideline security guards stationed at the barriers.

"move aside, woman. you aren't allowed in here." one bellowed.

"let me get to her, she knows me." i struggled.

when i couldn't get past, i sighed until i heard a scoff coming from behind me. i turned around to face her annoying friends, actually friend, since the other is civil, only to find the uncivil one crossing her arms sassily at me.

"do you have no shame? she just finished her match and you're barging in like you're her girlfriend? it's not that hard to wait, you know?"

the audacity.

it took awhile later until lisa was escorted out by some bodyguards.

she hooked her arm around her helmet captivatingly and the way her body swayed while she made her was out of the circuit got me giddy.

i tried to keep up with the whole bundle of people moving together around her but they were too fast and everyone was shoving each other around to get a look at her.

reporters. photographers. bodyguards. her manager. some mad fans.

i felt dejected when she never turned back, instead she started walking hastily towards her car, entering it without even sparing me a look.

just one look.

does she not remember? or is she rejecting low lives compared to her like me now that she's rich and famous?

"she doesn't know you, so stop following her like a lost puppy that's topographically disorientated."  the same auburn hair girl fussed, appearing out of nowhere.

before she could walk away, i approached her boldly. "what's your name?" i asked, ignoring the insult. that somehow made her flinch as she stared into my cold eyes.

"w-what why do you need to know..?"

"because if lisa recognises me, you're dead."

i saw how she turned to her chaeng friend to seek for help, eyeing me like i was mental and needed psychological help.

but apparently, the blondie was on my side.

"what's wrong with you? just tell her your name, what are you scared of? it's not like you've never punched a policeman for calling you a shortie."

i love this blondie already.

the auburn hair girl gasped, putting her fist up to challenge the blondie's face like she was about to attack her for embarrassing her in front of a
stranger— me.

"fuck- fine." she cleared her throat, fully facing me with a menacing appearance like she thinks she can terrify me.

"jisoo. kim jisoo." she paused, holding her chin up high as her eyes scanned me, "but you better watch your back, you..."

"who are you again?" she hesitantly asks, keeping her brave demeanour.

"jennie kim."

"ah yes, watch out jennie kim."

"i won't let a deranged girlie like you get near lisa."

just wait and see, lisa'll be the one who'll want to get near me.

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