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lisa's pov

happy thoughts.

happy thoughts.

yes, sunshine, rainbows and unicorns.

butterflies and care bears, and cats.

i just need happy thoughts.

i didn't notice myself sighing softly on repeat until my manager asked what's wrong with me, or if i was unwell.

i wasn't, but i was just lost by the fact that jennie turned out to be the replacement for casey, the model who left to england for a campaign. and now she's taking over to do a photoshoot with jungkook. like, are you kidding me?

no, i'm not jealous. i just don't like the fact that they have to be close with each other during the shoot. and one horribly bugging question was,

i don't know if jennie is straight, or bi, or gay.

well, she never made it clear and considering how she dated guys back in high school... uh.. she's straight? oh god please no don't fall for him.

so it made me really uneasy just watching her from a distance, with a man equally as attractive as i am, ugh well maybe even more, standing directly beside her, posing with her.

they had to be in close proximity, and that made me feel constricted in the head. i don't know, i just found it really hard to breathe all of a sudden, oh and a headache was kicking in.

bad bad.

i actually didn't have to come here today, well since i didn't have a shoot. but the director had some issues to discuss with me personally, so i chose to come. and i was free the entire day from work so might as well make the best out of it.

but to come here, just to witness this?

stupid life. i could very much leave if i wanted to, guess i chose to stay because a sudden thought struck in me. i wanted to hang out with jennie, only if she wanted to too.

i don't know how that would go either, would it be awkward? because i was literally acting like a child's first day at kindergarten when we were in the same lift. conversations with your crush are never easy, especially when you're supposedly an introvert, used to be a nerd, and always has this heart that's furiously thumping whenever she's around.

all i can do is to hope she's free, and wouldn't reject my offer to hang out, and that i wouldn't be a moron who seem to have social anxiety disorder when i'm speaking.

and about the calling her issue, i was seriously about to the other day, until jisoo told me not to. she said and i quote very gracefully, "you should wait to see if jennie would contact you first since she has your number too, stop always trying to make the first move girlie cause we have to know if she's interested too."

but she didn't call me and then i got fed up with jisoo. not literally but still.

back to the present, the taehyung guy was really thrilled to see me again, and he got the autograph he'd always wanted. i get why him and jennie are close, they have very bubbly personalities when you understand them better.

and when they smile, they kinda look like each other. not that i'm being a creep for observing how people smile but that's what i happened to notice.

my manager on the other hand, couldn't stop pestering me about jennie because she was the same girl who blocked my car like a maniac weeks ago. but i explained and we're past that now. well in fact i just told my manager to shut up, in which he complied.

i couldn't stop myself from staring at them with my arms crossed. i was wondering what jennie was thinking about since she kept looking over to me with this bothered expression.

"okay, you've worked hard, thanks for coming!" the director called out behind the cameras after their shots were complete.

the crew dispersed and my eyes followed jennie as she ran towards taehyung and giggled with him about something before heading to the dressing room to change.

i restlessly lift my body off the chair i've been leaning against for what felt like hours and was about to follow her until i saw a sneaky jungkook trying to peep through the door hole at the edge.

bitch, that isn't even the men's dressing room.

picking up my pace, i went over and momentarily flicked his forehead unguarded and unwarned. he flinched backwards, balling his eyes out when he noticed it was me.

"what's your problem lali?!"

"don't. peep." i seethed.

he scoffed, putting his hands on his waist sassily, "i was just-"

"no, no more gay excuses of yours, okay? the other time you tried to ask me for my bra size and that's fucking disgusting. just leave jennie alone." i sent him a death glare, "if you want to peep at something, just go to the men's restroom, creep. or go gawk at that taehyung's ass for all i care."

without even waiting for his reply, i pushed past him so that i could get to the door and knocked before entering the dressing room.

yes lisa, girls like girls with manners. so knock it is.

"you- i'm not gay!" i heard a faint voice say behind me.

shut up.

as soon as i step foot into the room, i saw jennie turned around frighteningly, hiding behind the standing curtains.

"oh shit." my heart started beating rapidly when i accidentally saw her slightly bare back. why was she changing this openly? well i mean, that was my fault.

"my bad." i whispered, unable to see her after she squirmed away and hid herself from my view.

"no, it's fine!" she exclaimed back. i heard some ruffles and shuffling noises for the next few moments before i saw her pop her head out.

"how was it?" i composed myself and tried to pry my mind off the thought of my cheeks reddening.

"quite fun actually. i never thought i'd be doing something like this honestly." she giggles and puts a strand of her hair behind her ears, eyes hesitating to meet mine. shit that was so cute.

"you should consider modelling." i suggested nonchalantly, in which she gave a nod and smiled back."uh, y-you looked really good." i tried to compliment but ended up stuttering.

ugh, my mouth just had to expose me like a bitch.

but when i said that, her face tensed up. in a good way... i think?

it took awhile before i hesitated to speak again, "listen, jennie, i was wondering if you're free for the rest of today?"

her eyebrows perked upwards and her nervous pupils sparked up, "uh- yeah, i am!"

"i was thinking if you'd wanna like, um, hang out or something. i don't know, maybe watch a movie, o-or sit down for a dri—"

"yes." she says breathily.

"yes, really?"

i didn't think she'd be so quick about it that i felt my palms getting sweaty.

"yes, we can do that."

ah, movie it is then and a drink it is too.

i might not exactly understand why i like you this much, but what i do know for sure is that... yes, sunshine, rainbows and unicorns, butterflies and care bears, and cats are your favourite things in this world.

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