"Now what about you and that Diggory kid?" Remus started and Celeste shot up from her seat. 

"He's a friend- a good one" Celeste says quickly before opening the door.

"ah! You seemed very close" Remus squinted his eyes at her.

"Yeah- he's cute but not who I like. Okay, oh?" Celeste pretended to hear someone calling her "I think Professor McGonagall is calling me- toodles!"


The Easter holidays were not holidays- there were piles upon piles of homework and Celeste felt like if someone were to poke her- she'd fall out of the oblivion and drown in her sorrows.

"Not a holiday- not a god damn holiday" Celeste kept hissing to herself as she and Hermione sat by together in the library. Ron across her with Harry. She had been extremely tired out since quidditch practice but she had a buck load of homework to do.

If she could- she would curse Oliver forever into one of these pages and close it until the match is over so he would stop blabbering strategies she already knew- because he basically manifested it into her brain during every single second of her living year.

Ron was helping with Hagrid's appeal- doing the best he could. Absorbing anything related to previous cases, the nature and the habitat. Harry was barely any different from Celeste- but she had more willpower than him as he was sleeping on his herbology textbook and she scribbled on numbers over numbers and numbers for Arithmancy.

The last quidditch match was coming and Slytherin was leading with exactly 200 points- so Oliver made it his mission to always remind Harry that he should only catch the snitch after they reached 50.

The Slytherins and Gryffindors were practically enemies after the holidays, 6th years and 4th years all had went to the hospital wing with leeks coming out of their ear.

Celeste and Harry were the main target from the Slytherins. They tried placing her out of game by either trying to jinx her or trip her. Oliver had ordered the whole Gryffindor house to protect the Potters at all cost.

She was never able to get in class exactly on time anymore- but thankfully she had always been with a few people or the whole house so it made sense in a way.

The night before the match- everyone was by the Gryffindor common room. Everyone was gathered around as Oliver muttered all the things he could do with the mini-figures of the players in the diagram. He made sure evrything was perfect as the four friends sat together with Celeste jumping up and down to try and cool the adrenaline from exploding out of her body.

"You guys are going to do fine" Hermione says as she even dropped her books saying she won't be able to study.

"Okay- we're going to do fine- we're going to do fine" Celeste breathed in and out "Oh but what if I oversleep- no it's okay. Katie is an amazing player anyways"

"TEAM! BED!" Oliver shouted and Celeste skidded to her room- Hermione trying to catch up to her before the black haired girl basically flopped onto her bed as she rolled around in it trying to tire herself out.

"Go to sleep!" Hermione shakes as she continuosly smacked the girl with a pillow to see if she can knock her out with causing any damage to her quidditch side of the brain.

Eventually after a few more minutes- Celeste was tired out and slept out like a light. She didn't have any dreams- thankfully. She made sure that everything was right.

The next day, the whole Gryffindor team came to the table as Hermione basically force fed Celeste some bread with Oliver encouraging it- without eating anything himself. Soon, Gabrielle Prewett came over to the boy and convinced him to eat something. She was cladded in a quidditch jumped- red smothered all over it. It reached until her mid-thighs and Celeste could tell it was Oliver's.

𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | Harry PotterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon