Leaving Him to Go on Tour - Jeon Jungkook

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Leaving Him to Go on Tour;

Jeon Jungkook

Waving goodbye to the crowd one last time, you step backstage where the staff immediately rush towards you, helping you take off your mic and ear piece. Another staff member approaches you, helping you out of your jacket and using a cloth to wipe the sweat off of your face.

"Thanks..." You mumble quietly. The staff member nods.

Your aching body strides tiredly towards the private dressing room and you kick off your shoes. You take a hopeful glance at your phone that sits on the table and grab it, flopping onto the couch and tapping the power button. The screen illuminates the dark space around you, and the hopeful gleam in your eye turns into quick tears that pool at the brim of your eyelids, ready to spill from your eyes any second.

'0 missed calls'

One might anticipate that after nearly two agonizingly lonely months of being away from your husband and not receiving even a simple 'good morning' message that you'd be used to not hearing from him, but every time you notice the empty notification box it just serves as a reminder as to why you're away from him in the first place.


"You're serious?" The male looks at you with his fiery gaze, ready to burn a hole straight through you if you don't deliver the news he wants to hear.

"Yeah..." You look down, clutching onto the fabric of your jeans nervously. "I mean it'd only be for a few months... and this could be really good for m-"

"No." He spits, shaking his head.

"What?" You enquire.

"I said no. You're not fvcking going."

An immediate wave of disenheartenment washes over you. "Koo... would you please just consi-" You flinch when his unusually loud voice echoes through the small, confining room.

"Consider it? Do you even hear yourself?! You want me to consider letting MY wife tour all over the dam^ country with some other man?! You're out of your mind if you think I'm letting that happen, Jeon Y/n."

"Jungkook, I know you don't want ms to go... but please just think about how much of an amazing opportunity this is for me! This is my dre-" You plead.

"Your dream? Your dream is to  abandon your husband and go off on some adventure with your ex while I sit home wondering when the hell you'll come home?!"

He throws his hands up in the air and steps towards you.

"Jungkook, it's not like that! I'll only be gone 3 months and Chan and I are just friends!"

"He's your fvcking first love, Y/n! It's obvious he's still into you and who knows what kind of stuff the two of you will do while you're away!"

You lift your eyebrows and scoff.

"So that's it, huh? You think I'd cheat on you?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

Tears fill your eyes as you let out a choked sob.

"Of course I wouldn't! How could you even think that of me?" You cry out with your shaky voice.

"What else am I supposed to think? You leave the house at 4 a.m. and stay at the studio with him until 10 at night and when you are home all you do is sit at the dam* computer or video chat with him. I see the way he looks at you, Y/n! He finds any and every excuse to touch you or be close to you and you do nothing about it! And now you're telling me you want to run off with him for 3 months and you expect me to just be okay with all of this?!" He stops, taking sharp and harsh breathes as his swollen eyes turn damp like yours.

"What about me, Y/n? What am I supposed to do without you for that long, not knowing if he's making you smile or laugh the way I do? If he's making you blush or making your heart beat the way you say only I can? What if you fall for him again and leave me for him? What do I do then, Y/n?!" He breaks down, grabbing his hair and looking down so you don't see the tears run down his face.

Your eyes soften as you step closer to him, ready to take him in your arms when he looks up at you with the same broken heart and pained gaze you promised yourself you would never cause him.

"What about the family we talked about having? We were just talking about having a baby and now you wanna leave just like that? You're willing to put all our plans on hold and leave me here not knowing if you'll come back to me feeling the same way you felt when you left? What if you come back and want to start a family with him instead?" His voice cracks.

"Guk... my feelings for you could never change... and we can still do all the stuff we talked about when I get back! We can have a baby and start a family together in a few months, but this is something I have to do, Gguk. I really need to do this... I've been dreaming about this since I was a little girl and Chan is offering me an opportunity that I just can't refuse."

He sniffles and runs his hands through his hair.

"Well what about my dream, Y/n? All I want is to have a family with you and make you happy. How do you think it'll feel for me to know that Chan is the one standing next to you making all your dreams come true... instead of me?"

You glance to the side and wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your sweater.

"I don't know, Koo. All I know is that this is a once and a lifetime opportunity for me and I can't bring myself to turn it down... so I'm asking you to just trust me this time! Trust that in 3 months I'll come home and still love you just as much as I do now... and we'll have a baby and do everything we planned to do. I promise you, Gguk, just trust me please..." You cry out, desperation lacing your voice as your pleading eyes meet his sad ones. He shakes his head softly and turns towards the stairs.

"I can't, Y/n." He sniffs again. "I want to trust you but I can't just sit home for three months wondering if you miss me the way I miss you or if your feelings for him resurfaced. I love you and I want you to have your dream... but I know that you're going to do whatever your heart tells you to do, and I can't help but think that your heart will start calling out for him while you're gone and I'll be here... cluelessly waiting for you to come back while you lay in another man's arms..."

He turns to glance at you one last time before saying his last words and disappearing upstairs.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, but if you get on that plane with him tomorrow and leave me... I'm not gonna promise that I'll be here waiting for you when you get back..." He sobs painfully. "Tell him no or else... I'll file for a divorce..."

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