Non-Exclusive - Jeon Jungkook

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It started out with just innocent flirting, then moved onto a few make out sessions here and there, then to friends with benefits, and finally, to a full on relationship.

Well sort of.

You and Jungkook had recently embarked on a new, experimental adventure in both of your lives. The once inseparable best friends became f*ck buddies. And once you both realized that there was more than just sexual attraction, you both confessed your romantic feelings for one another and now you're a 'couple.'

You still made out, and still had s*x, but there were now coffee shop dates, and midnight car rides, and bouquets of tulips waiting in your locker every Monday morning.

Now there were feelings.

However, there was an aching corner in your heart that never let you convince yourself that those feelings were love. You labeled them as infatuation and attraction, but never admitted to being in love with the boy that put his heart out on a platted and offered it to you. He'd told you he loved you, and he'd do anything to protect you and make you smile. Your heart jumped at his words, but your mouth did not jump to return them.

After what had happened with your last two boyfriends, there was no way in hell you would let yourself admit to being head over heels for one guy in particular. Out of fear that you would reject him completely, Jungkook offered a 'non-exclusive' relationship.

One in which the two of you would be together, go on dates, and basically do everything a normal couple would do, but you were not restricted to do those things only with each other.

You could kiss other people, go on dates with other people, and you didn't have to pledge your hearts solely to one another, even though Jungkook would happily do so for you.

He didn't like the idea of you going out with other men, he hated it in fact, but his fear of not having you at all was greater. Besides, he had promised himself that he would work extra hard to get those cheeks of yours blushing, and to ignite a fire in your heart that stirred the butterflies in you, so that one day you would fully pledge yourself to him, and him alone.

"You're staring again."

Your head snapped to the side and you stopped absent mindedly swirling your straw around the ice in your cup.


"You're staring." Jen replied, giving a teasing look.

You cleared your throat and lifted an eyebrow nervously.

"Staring..... staring at what?" You played coy, but secretly knew exactly who she was talking about.

She scoffed, "You know what you diphead! Jungkook! You've been staring at him forever."

You faked a scoff that matched hers, and shook your head.

"That's the stupidest thing I've heard all day." You replied, slowly starting to stir your drink some more.

"Oh yeah?" Jen rolled her eyes.


She looked to the other side of the cafeteria and then to Jungkook's table.

"Then I guess you don't care that the new girl is staring at him too."

You quickly shot your gaze to the left towards the table where Allie, the new girl, sat. She pointed her friends in Jungkook's direction while giggling and blushing. You gave a disgusted yet obviously bothered look and turned to face your plate.

"I don't care." You mumbled.

"The look on your face says otherwise."

You frowned and frustratedly threw a piece of cold, soggy bread at her. She jumped up and scrunched her nose.

"Gross! You bi*ch!" She picked it up by the crust and slung it back at you, making you jump to the side to avoid it.
You snickered when it flew by, not even close to touching you, making her roll her eyes and pick up her fork to eat more of her salad.

Twenty minutes later

You closed your locker and turned to Jen who was waiting for you. You two began walking side by side, down the hall in the direction of your next class, Jen rambling on about something her mom's friend's cousin's sister did at her wedding.

"And so the maid of honor, I think her name was Bonnie or something? Wait maybe it was Beatrice? Whatever, she jumped to catch the flower bouquet, and she landed on her ankle and- hey!"

She exclaimed when you suddenly yanked her around a corner, crouching where no one could see you.

"What the hell did you do that f-"

"Shhh!" You whisper shouted.

"Stop interrupti-"

"I said shhh!" You brought your finger to your lips before gesturing to two figures across the hall. Jen moved her gaze to look where you were pointing.

"Isn't that Jungkook?"

"Yeah, and that new girl, Abby."

"Allie." She corrected, making your roll your eyes in annoyance.

"Who cares?"

"Uh, it seems like you do."

"I do not."

"Yes you do, otherwise you wouldn't have almost ripped my arm off trying to hide and spy on them."

"We're not spying, we're.... quietly observing."

She gave you a bored look before you shook the thought away and returned to 'quietly observing' Jungkook and Allie.

"What are they doing?" You asked.

She peaked around the corner.

"Looks like they're getting something out of his locker."

"I know that, I meant why are they together?"

She shrugs and you turn back to the two.

Allie smiles at Jungkook as he pulls something out of his locker and gives it to her.

"Oh... my... gosh..." Jen marvels at the scene in front of her as your mouth falls agape and your fists clench so that your nails dig into the edges of your palms. Allie stares lovingly at Jungkook while she clutches tightly to the bouquet of pink tulips he just gifted her.

"Wait... didn't you say Jungkook didn't give you a bouquet of tulips this morning like he usually does."

A fire lights up in your chest and you force yourself not to tear up in jealousy at what you just saw. Your jaw snaps closed and you stand up, forcefully swinging your bag over your shoulder as you turn to leave.

"I'm going to be late to class. Catch you later, Jen."

"But wait, Y/n-"

She stops as you quickly turn down the other hall with fast steps, leaving her all alone with nothing but the sound of Jungkook and Allie laughing in the background.

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