Jungkook as your Best Friend

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•Crushing on you BIG TIME.

•Too shy and embarrassed to confess to you.

•Fell in love the first time he saw you but settled for being best friends.

•Gets extremely jealous when you talk about another guy or start seeing someone.

•You two do everything together. Eating, cuddling, watching movies, playing games, studying, etc.

•You guys can act like total crackheads together without judging each other.

•Playfully insulting each other ever so often.

•He calls you ugly or stupid just to tease you it secretly thinks you're the most beautiful girl in the world.

•95% of his camera roll is of you but he'll never tell you that ;)

•Blackmails you with pictures of you sleeping (he secretly finds them cute)

•You're his wallpaper, lock screen, and in all of his profile pics with him.

•Shows up at your house at 2 a.m. to go on late night drives with him.

•Makes random excuses to have physical contact with you.

•Spams you at midnight so you'll wake up and talk to him.

•Cuddling is a normal thing for the two of you.

•He likes to wear your scrunchie on his wrist.

•Brings you ponytails when it rains bc he knows your hair gets frizzy.

•Takes his shirt off in from of you to make you blush.

•Puts blankets in the drier so that they're warm for your cuddle sessions.

•He like to play fight and wrestle with you.

•Asks you to let him do your hair.

•You guys do skin care together.

•He has a special nickname that no one else is allowed to call you.

•Kisses your head and wipes your tears when you're upset.

•He can tell if something is bothering you without you having to say anything.

•Spams the boys with pictures of you.

•Buys you good whenever you go out together and never lets you pay.

•He always says "I love you." But you don't realize what he actually means by it.

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