When the Company Wants You to Breakup - Jeon Jungkook

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When the Company Wants You to Breakup;

Jeon Jungkook


Your boyfriend stutters, baffled at the elder's words.

"You heard me. Your relationship just isn't working out. The sales have dropped by nearly 15%, we've lost over 3 million followers on all social media platforms, and the hate messages and threats have doubled. I'm afraid you and Y/n can no longer continue seeing each other."

Your breath hitches and your throat goes dry as the words ring in your ears.

Jungkook shows the same discontent as he stares at Bang Pd in disbelief.

"You're joking, right? Please tell me this is a joke." He croaks.

Bang Pd heaves a sigh and rubs his temples.

"I'm sorry Kook. It's over. Your relationship isn't good for you, the group, ARMY, or even Y/n," He gestures to your figure that sits limp in the chair, "Besides, I think we all knew your relationship wasn't going to last anyway." He crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow at the younger male.

Jungkook's brow crinkles as anger bubbles up in his chest.

"What do you by 'it wasn't going to last?' Why the hell wouldn't it?!" He growls, showing clear signs of irritation.

"Come on, Jungkook," The elder taunts, "You're both just too different. You're an international superstar! You have the looks, the talent, and the money that any other person would dream to have! How could you possibly believe that being with an ordinary girl was a good decision?"

Your heart pangs and you look down to your lap in embarrassment.

He's not wrong.

From the very beginning there have been people mocking and criticizing your relationship with Jungkook. They'd constantly point out all of your flaws and then highlight all of his best features just so they could compare you two. Some fans would send you messages with the intention of degrading or defaming you to the point that you'd want to break up with Jungkook. Not to mention the thousands of videos circling the internet, suggesting that literally anyone else would be a better pick for the man you're so hopelessly in love with.

"Ordinary girl?!" Jungkook stands up, slamming his fists onto the man's desk, "Y/n is the love of my life! She means everything to me, how can you act like she's just some random chick I picked up from the streets?!"

Your heart swells at his endearing words and the love you have for him increases, if that's even possible.

"Calm down, Gguk. I'm just saying that you have tons of better options if you really want to be in a relationship. Lisa, IU, Tzuyu, Nayeon! There are so many other girls out there! Girls that your fans would love to see you with! Why do you have to choose the one girl that has absolutely no worth to you or your career?"

And that was it.

Those words were all it took for your heart to shatter and the little self esteem you had to crumble.

Tears fill your eyes as you try holding them back, not wanting to appear even more pathetic than you already do.

What's even worse is that the pain doesn't come from how brutally honest the old man is being, or even how he talks about you as if you were an obstacle blocking the entirety of Bighit's reputation from excelling.

It hurts because it's all true.

Sales and ratings have decreased, hate has increased, and there are in fact many many girls that prove to be more suitable for Jungkook than you are.

Shame is in the process of eating you up before the sound of the distressed young male scoffing fills the room.

"Options? Choose? There is no other choice. There aren't any options to choose from! Y/n is the only girl I will ever accept into my heart and if you can't see that," Jungkook narrows his eyes, glaring at the man who was once a fatherly figure to him, "Well if you can't see that, then the problem here is you, not Y/n."

And with that the two of you were out the door. Jungkook marched diligently towards the exit of the building as his fingers clung to your wrist, dragging you solemnly behind him.

Bang Pd chases behind the two of you before getting lost in the small crowd of staff members.

You and Jungkook round a corner and disappear from his sight, but not before the old man makes one more statement.

"It's either Y/n or BTS. You have 24 hours to choose."


The car ride home was a quiet one. Neither of you uttering a word the entire way, or even after you had entered your shared apartment. You walked straight upstairs and flopped onto the bed as Jungkook made his way to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

After almost an hour of ugly crying into the comfort of your plush pillow, Jungkook calls you from downstairs, alerting you that the dinner was prepared.

You drag your tired body down the staircase and plop onto one of the bar stools. Kook places a steaming bowl of fried rice in front of you as he takes the seat to your right, using his left hand to rub your lower back soothingly and the other to hold his chopsticks.

"Do you like it?" He questions after you take a few bites.

You nod shortly, making him sigh and drop his chopsticks, turning to face you.

He places a hand on each of your shoulders and turns your body to face his.

"Baby, I don't want you to worry about what Bang Pd said earlier, alright? You're perfect. He's just too blind to see your worth but I promise I will never ever  leave you. Okay?"

You shake your head rapidly at his words before busting into tears once again.

"But K-kook... You're g-gonna lose your job if you st-stay with me..." You sob and he pulls you into his embrace.

"Don't worry, Princess. Everything will be okay, I think maybe my time as an idol is over now. But on the brightside, I'll get to spend every second of the day with my baby girl." He smiles gently, caressing your head as he holds you to his chest tightly.

You shake your head again, trying to voice your denial to the young man.

"Kook.... He's right... T-there are so many better girls out there... We should just-" You choke up, "We should break u-up..."

Jungkook's body goes stiff in your arms. You lift your gaze to meet his eyes where he displays the most hurt expression you've ever seen on him.

"W-what...? Baby, why would you say that?"

He shivers, tears cascading down his puffy cheeks.

"I don't wanna leave you... but you'd be so much better off witho-"

"Stop. D-don't finish that. Don't you ever say that again!" He cries, grabbing both of your cheeks and making you lock eyes with him.

"How could you do that to me? How could you break my heart like that, baby? Y/n, I already told you I'm more than willing to give up my career if it means I get to stay with you. Why are you trying to make it harder for the both of us?"

Your heart breaks at his words.

"I... I'm sorry Gguk.... I just don't want you to lose your dream..."

He smiles lightly, wiping his own tears and caressing your cheek with his thumb.

"Lose her? She's right in front of me. And I am never  letting her go."

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