Will You Be My Fake Girlfriend?

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Will You Be My Fake Girlfriend?

Jeon Jungkook;

Waking up to bright light shining in my eyes was never the ideal morning. However, in this case it seems inevitable. I shut my eyes quickly to minimize the impact of the sun's rays that blur my sight. I groan both internally and externally when a head rush comes over me like a wave and I'm left with a pounding headache.

"F_ck..." I whine.

My body aches all over but the pain seems so much more abundant in my head and lower region. What the h_ll did I do last night?

Clenching my eyes closed again, I roll to my left, stopping when my body comes in contact with a larger one. Confusion washes over me as I open my eyes one at a time, peaking at the unknown figure.

What. The. F_ck.

I gasp audibly when I catch sight of a tan and muscular back, obviously belonging to a man. I gasp louder when I realize than the man is shirtless, the muscles in his back flexing everytime his chest rises and falls with his breathe.

Panic takes over and I sit up quickly. The abrupt movement sends sharp pains spiraling through the lowest part of my abdomen. I wince in pain and clutch my stomach. When my small hands make contact with my bare skin, shivers run down my spine and my heart drops.

Pulling the blanket up and over my body, I glance around desperately searching for my clothes.

"Where are my clothes?!" I whisper shout.

Turning to look over the body of the shirtless man beside me, I spot them thrown in a pile on the floor, practically shredded to nothing but thin strips of fabric.

"D_mn it." I curse.

I turn my body to the right and swing my legs off the side of the bed, already feeling the pain of last night's events between them. Just as I'm about to stand, I hear the blankets shuffle behind me and a deep groan sounds.

"Babe, let's sleep a little longer." The deep voice demands as he wraps his strong arm and bicep around my waist, easily pulling me into his embrace.

My heart thumps in my chest as he spoons me, intertwining our legs and holding me flush against his broad and robust chest. He nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck from behind me causing my whole body to stiffen.

Babe? I question myself.

Do I know him?

I think, wondering who would possibly be close enough with me to label me with such a pet name.

It couldn't be one of my Exes, none of them have this build or that voice.

I don't have a boyfriend or any guy friend's that I'm particularly close with.

I sigh, still shaking in nervousness at the thought of having slept with a stranger.

I gasp in horror when a thought comes to mind?

Did we use protection?!

I turn my head towards the nightstand anxiously and let out a breathe of relief when I see an opened package of condoms.

Leaning back into the man's chest, I push at his arms and try to free myself from his grasp.

I struggle for a minute before coming to the conclusion that their's no way I can pry his sculpted arms from around me.

I guess I'll have to slip my way out of this.

I put my arms in between his and my chest, trying to free up as much wiggle room as possible. When I've decided its enough, i start sliding my body down his front, lower and lower so that I can escape his hold.

The man moans slightly when my a$s rubs against his... you know... but I continue my pursuit until I'm successfully free from his grasp. He shuffles slightly in his sleep as I take a pillow and put it in place of my body.

Standing up, I try and ignore the excruciating pain that takes over my abdomen and legs.

Taking slow steps around the room, I collect my things and slip on a large t-shirt I found alongside my clothes.

"Pants, pants, pants...?" I chant.

From the corner of my eye I see a pair of grey joggers hung over the back of the sofa in the room.

After slipping them on and using a hair tie to tighten them around my waist, I bolt and run out the front door, down the stairs and out the exit of the building, ignoring the aching in between my legs and in my thighs.

I never even saw his face...

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