Game On - Jeon Jungkook

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Your POV

"Oh please! You know da*n well she was flirting with you!"

"No she wasn't!"

"Jeon Jungkook, I am a GIRL and I know very well how girls flirt! She WAS flirting with you!"

"No she wasn't! And you would know that if you weren't so busy making out with Taehyung!"

"Making ou-?!? Jungkook I was sitting next to him!"



"You know what?!? Forget it! I'm done arguing with you! You wanna accuse me of flirting with some other girl when you won't even admit to flirting with my best friend? Fine! Make whatever accusations you want because I'm done with listening to you!!" Jungkook shouted as he turned on his heels and started up the stairs, slamming the bedroom door behind him.

Present Time

That was three days ago. Neither of us had spoken a word to each other since and honestly, it was killing me. Not holding him while I slept, not being able to kiss him before he left for work, not having him beside me while I ate... It was pure torture.

Jungkook and I had been invited to go out with his hyungs. Upon entering the bar, nearly every female in the room had started ogling Jungkook and of course, my jealousy and insecurities started kicking in. Somehow, Jungkook hadn't noticed the women staring him down and gave all of his attention to me. Rubbing my thigh, pecking my ears and neck, playing with my hair.

Until she came.

After about half an hour of enjoying my alone time with Jungkook, a girl came and sat next to him, claiming that they were "real close" back in high school. It was painfully obvious that she was into my boyfriend, as she would bite her lip, twirl her hair, and do her best to keep Jungkook's attention on her. Jungkook wasn't entertaining her flirty nature, instead he was being respectful and completely oblivious to her motives. Although he wasn't flirting back, I got annoyed that he hadn't told her to F off yet and decided that instead of sitting there miserably for the next two hours, I was going to make my night as enjoyable as possible.

Approaching Taehyung, I could hear Jungkook call after me but I kept my chin up high and made my way to the empty sit next to Tae. We cracked jokes together and talked to each other about what was going on in life. Throughout the night I could feel Jk's stare burning holes through the back of my head but I paid no attention. That is... until he dragged me out to the car and starting yelling about how I shouldn't be flirting with his best friend.

That's how we ended up arguing and eventually... giving each other the silent treatment. Of course, being a couple of two years, we had argued countless times before but we had usually apologized within the same hour of the fight. This time, however, was drastically different. I couldn't stand being away from him. Not being able to talk to him was killing me.

It was about 10 o' clock when I had finally caved in, and started making my way up the stairs to apologize to my boyfriend. Opening the door to our shared bedroom, I spotted Jungkook passed out on the bed. Sighing, I sit next to him and start running my fingers through his hair. A few minutes had passed with me just touching his face and hair when I noticed a note sitting on the bedside table. Picking it up, I unfolded the paper and began reading it.

"Y/n, wake me up at 5 a.m. tomorrow, I have an early meeting to attend."

Rereading the note again, I scoff in disbelief. He has the audacity to ask me a favor, but won't even work up the courage to apologize or communicate with me like a normal human being? And to think I was actually going to apologize to him!

"You wanna play games, kookie? Fine. Game on."

Jungkook's POV

Waking up, I groan groggily as I sit up and stretch my back and leg muscles. Taking a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light, I pick up my phone to check the time. I gasp loudly at the time before shooting out of bed and running to the closet. "Da*n it! I'm so late!" The time on my phone read 8:23 as I hurriedly buttoned up my shirt and zipped my pants. Sliding on my shoes and running to get my work bag. "How did this happen? I told Y/n to wake me up! Didn't she read my note?" I walk back over to the bedside table and check to see if my note was still there.

The note I had placed on the table the night before, was replaced with a pink sticky note. Picking it up I began reading my girlfriend's fancy handwriting.

"Kookie, wake up! It's 5 o' clock! <3"

I feel my blood boiling as I crumble up the note and throw it towards to other side of the room. Sighing in frustration, I sling my bag over my shoulder and grab my tie.

"You wanna play games? You better get ready, babygirl. This is just the beginning..."

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