Forgive & Forget (Pt. 2) - Jeon Jungkook

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Forgive & Forget (Pt.2);

Jeon Jungkook

Author's POV:

Jeon Jungkook.

Your stomach sinks.

There's no way that's him, right? Your once slender and childlike crush.... is now the epitome of the 'tall, dark, & handsome' stereotype about women's preference. That... that's a different Jeon Jungkook, right? This sexy, well-built, masculine figure sitting two feet in front of you is that same little boy you used to pick on and tease?


Your head shakes rapidly as you eye the figure. Tapping your foot nervously, you avert your eyes from the back of his head to the whiteboard...... and then back to his head.

That anxious gnawing feeling at the bottom of your stomach doesn't seem to dissolve away like you had hoped.

It just sits there, eating up your insides like a hungry animalistic predator fed off the guilt of your past.

An anchor, at the bottom of your stomach.

Sadly, that guilt that feeds the monster in your stomach won't disappear. It won't leave when it's happy with its meal like an animal would. There's no ship to pull away the anchor of shame that's currently sending your thoughts wild. There's nothing that will make you feel better about what you did to him.

You thought you had gotten over this. You thought you had forgiven yourself and moved on from your mistakes. But seeing him in front of you again, just like he was on Parent's Day in the seventh grade, makes you realize that there's no way you will ever be able to forgive yourself for what you did.

Although you haven't seen his entire face yet, you can tell by the glimpse of his side profile you got when he turned his head that he is indeed one very handsome man.

You shudder at the word man. Your used to seeing the boy version of Jungkook and even though it's only been 2 years, it seems like ten when you look at his broad shoulders and strong arms. If you weren't rendered speechless and going through a state of mental shock, you might even make a joke to yourself about his apparent glow up.

Or better yet, his grow up.

He was an attractive boy in middle and high school, he had a better than average figure, and an abnormally strong jawline for a young teenage boy but this..... this Jungkook was god-like enough to make everyone in the room look like trash. Well, trash would be an overstatement.... dirt. That's better.

Compared to Jeon Jungkook,

We're all dirt.

If he's this handsome just from the profile view you had of him for a split second, you can only imagine the blessings that will rain down upon the earth when you get sight of his full face.

And lucky for you, the heavens were gracious enough to grant you that fantasy. And for the first time in two years, although it's not the way you had hoped to meet his gaze once again, you stare into the eyes of the infamous Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook's POV:

Sitting in this God-awful classroom surrounded by the grey walls and the annoying voice of my first period professor wasn't exactly the way I had planned to start my morning. I hadn't expected him to actually give us work on the first day and I sure as hell didn't expect to have the worst seat in the whole dang school either.

The person behind me is constantly tapping their foot on the ground and using their fingertips to drum on the table. With all the noise they're making, I honestly can't tell if they're just nervous or they're trying to start a band.

Someone's got first day jitters.

I sigh in relief when the finger drumming stops, only to grit my teeth seconds later when it's replaced with the annoying banter of a metal pen hitting the surface of the table on repeat.

I angrily run my hand across my face before bringing them both up to tug at the ends of my black hair.

I can't take this anymore.

It's my first day and I already smarted off to the teacher unintentionally, probably earning a bad name from my classmates. I had woken up to a dead batter in my car due to leaving the lights on overnight and on top of that, I missed the last bus that went by my apartment complex. I used every ounce of my strength and stamina to sprint nearly five miles to the school, only to walk in three seconds late and have my professor give me a sarcastic yet rude greeting. Not to mention the obsessive finger tapping kid behind me.

So yeah..... I'm a little irritable.

Thirty minutes have passed since the beginning of class and so far I've only learned one thing, the person behind me has very strong finger muscles.

Come on Jungkook what did we talk about? A new you. No more being the little push-over boy who can't say no to people or tell them what he wants. Stand up for yourself.

My thoughts run rampant through my mind as I sigh at my disposition. I don't want to come off as rude but I need to actually get some work done in class or else my mom will start b*tching.

I sigh a little more loudly and dramatic than normal as I sit and wait for the person behind me to take the hint.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

I heave another sigh, this time even more loudly.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Alright so maybe sighing doesn't work.

I shift backwards in my seat as I bring my head back, trying to get my voice as close as I can to the person.

"Ahem." I clear my throat, hoping to have some sort of reaction from the other party.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

One more time, and then it's WW3.

"Aheemmmm." I drag the noise out as long as I can without grabbing the attention of the people on either sides of me.

And almost mockingly, the noise continues.

Tap.            Tap.            Tap.          Tap.

Oh for the love of God.

I stand up, whirling around in my spot, as I slam my hands down onto the person's desk. Snatching the pen from their dainty hands, I voice my distaste loud and deep, moving to be two inches in front of their face as I cry out.


. . .

The world stops for a moment.

My angry expression falls as I stare into the eyes of the girl that made my life a dream and a nightmare all at once.

My heart pounds so loudly that I can't hear my teacher screaming at me from behind.

I just gaze into those beautiful eyes.

Her eyes.


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