Teen Pregnancy

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Teen Pregnancy;

Jeon Jungkook

Author's POV:

Getting pregnant by your best friend was never something you planned. You especially never thought it'd happen before you graduated high school.

You were seventeen when you had your first time. You were attending your first "high school party" and you were wearing your very first bodycon dress and according to everone who got to witness your petite body in that dress, saying you looked stunning was an understatement. Through the night you danced, laughed, and drank some beverage you probably weren't supposed to even possess for your age.

You made it clear that you weren't a very good drinker when you stumbled into an unoccupied bathroom and stuck your face in the toilet. Sometime while you were puking your guts out, a man much too old to pass for a high schooler decided he wanted to have a little fun with a seventeen year old girl who was heavily intoxicated and at her weakest stance. He slipped into the bathroom, yanked you up and aggressively forced his tongue down your throat. You screamed, cried, flailed your arms. The hope you had of being rescued slowly subsided, and you couldn't bring your weak body to fight him anymore. Taking advantage of your state, the man slid his hands up under your dress. You feared the worst, silently praying he would get it over with quickly.

When suddenly, like a flash of lightning, the man was thrown off of you and sent flying into the large vanity mirror located above the sink.

Jeon Jungkook.

Your best friend.

The funny little bunny that always copied your homework and cried on your shoulder after watching Toy Story 3, even after seeing it ten thousand times.

He stood above the man, throwing punch after punch as he screamed insults and curses endlessly.

Eventually, you dragged him off of the man and to an empty bedroom where you both spent the night cuddling and crying with each other.

Jungkook was your rock, your knight in shining armor. He was always there when you needed help, he was always saving you.

As you cried with him, you pondered what would've happened if he wasn't there to save you. The thought alone brought tears to your eyes. Getting raped was an inevitable possibility. It could happen to anyone. But if it were to ever happen to you, you wanted to at least have had your first time with someone other than a rapist. Your virginity was precious to you, it was something you wanted to save for the man you loved with all your heart.

You loved Jungkook, didn't you? Maybe not in a romantical way but, you did love him.

Somehow, your traumatized and twisted up mind brought you to believe that you wanted Jungkook to be your first time. You owed him your life and you wanted him to have a special piece of you, something that no one else could ever have or take away. For a split second, you almost let the thought go but then you thought about what would happen if you didn't give your v-card to Jungkook.

What if you were really raped? What if you gave it to someone who you thought you loved but ended up breaking your heart in the end? Jungkook, would never break your heart, right? And even if he did, he'd done enough good in your life to make up for it.

One thought led to another and before you knew it, the words had slipped your lips just like the clothes had begun slipping from your body when you voiced your thoughts to your best friend.

Maybe it was the night's events that had your mind and logic fogged, or maybe it was because of the remnants of alcohol in your system but somehwere along the line you had told him you didn't want to have your first time with anyone else but him and without wasting another second, he was inside of you, thrusting gently as he kissed your forehead and whispered sweet nothings in your ear.

Two months and three positive pregnancy tests later, you stood outside of his house crying because your parents disowned you and kicked you out with nothing but your phone and a bus coupon, and you told him that he was the father of your unborn child.

You expected him to push you away, to yell at you or say that he never wanted to see you again. After all, he was only seventeen. He had his whole life ahead of him up until the night when you drunkenly begged him to sleep with you. But much to your surprise, he pulled you into his embrace as he rubbed your back and kissed all over your face as you cried.

By the time you were four months pregnant, Jungkook had turned eighteen and with the help of his parents, he had gotten a job and rented an apartment for the two of you to live in. You had offered to work too but he declined, saying that too much stress wasn't good for you or the baby.

Just like that night at the party he had become your knight in shining armor. Working double shifts so he could afford shelter and food for you, staying up late researching ways to make your morning sickness and cramps less agonizing, even beating up and threatening any kids at school who dared calling you names like 'slut' or 'whore.' He put your health and happiness above his until the point he was run down and tired and sooner than later, you started developing feelings for him.

Romantic feelings.

You started seeing him more of a man and less of a boy, you stared way to long when he walked around without a shirt, and you craved the nighttime cuddles when he would slip his hand under your pajamas and rub your baby bump.

When you were 6 months pregnant and your hormones were running rampant, he found you crying in the janitors closet at school because you heard rumors that the new girl was going to ask him out. She was tall, skinny, and pretty much born to be a supermodel, you had every right to fear that Jungkook would accept her confession. But instead, while she was waiting outside his locker ready to make a move on him, he was inside the janitors closet with you, rocking your body back and forth on his lap as he rubbed circles on your tummy.

"Haven't you realized I could never love anyone but you, Y/n-shi? I loved you even before that night at the party. Why else would I agree to sleep with you? Why would I still be here beside you if I wasn't madly in love with you? Hm?"

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