Chapter 145: The Virus

Start from the beginning

"I will hold you to those words," Akari stated, his tone carrying a hint of threat. Without waiting for Saika's reply, he stormed out of the horrid room.

Sharp glints sparked in Saika's eyes as he watched Akari's back disappear behind the door. His lips curled up into a devious smile as he mocked, "Ignorant buffoon. Let's see how long you can keep up that high and mighty attitude." Casting Akari to the back of his mind, he called out to one of the scientists. "Make final preparations for Rebirth. We commence in three hours."

"What about Taiga, Saika-sensei?" The scientist inquired.

Saika sent the scientist a dissatisfied glare. He hated being questioned. "Who?"

The scientist swallowed hard but managed to let out, "The child who just went through HELL, Sir."

"Ah, Subject 23," Saika murmured with a hint of recognition. "What about him?"

The scientist fidgeted under the viper-like gaze. "He was just put through a lot of mental strain. There's no telling how he would react to the gene transfusion."

"And? How is that my concern exactly?"

The scientist shivered, unable to contain his shock at Saika's apparent disregard for the child's life. "My apologies Saika-sensei. I will go ahead and have him prepped immediately."

"Uh-huh," Saika replied with a sneer. "You go do that." The sneer deepened as he watched the frightened scientist scamper off. "Every last one of them. Completely useless." Saika turned his gaze from the scientist, his brain already pushing the encounter to the trash bin. Saika's gaze turned sinister, his tongue slithering over his lips as he barked out orders to the remaining operatives, all in preparation of what promised to be the culmination of his life's work.

Elsewhere, while Saika prepared for his big moment, Taiga was given a rude awakening by the chilled biting of a bucket of cold water. The young child woke with a start, screaming at the top of his lungs as he shot to his feet—or, well, tried to.

Taiga soon found his hands and feet were bound to a chair. The stinging pain from the restraints helped Taiga to come to his senses. He focused on the pain, letting him realize he had returned to reality where those undead would no longer be able to reach him.

Taiga took a deep breath to calm his frayed nerves. Having collected himself, he raised his head, yellow eyes calmly taking in his surroundings. Two guards with electric batons stood at guard behind a graying scientist whose gaze was centered on the child, carrying hints of worry and pity. He recognized the scientist as a Kiiragi-sensei, the one usually in charge of administering the HELL punishment and ensuring Taiga did not mentally collapse afterward. Flanking the scientist were five orderlies, one of whom held a metal tray cart whose contents were shielded from view by a white cloth.

Taiga could not make sense of why one of these usually callous scientists would have such an expression, so he tried to fish for some information. "What's going on? Usually, you dump me in my room."

In response to the child's question, Kiiragi only shook his head. There was no need to worry the child with something that might not happen. At the very least, let him live his last moments in blissful ignorance. Kiiragi's gaze strengthened, having cobbled together his once shaken resolve. "There is a new experiment. We were tasked with preparing you."

An experiment? A sense of impending doom overwhelmed Taiga. His eyes shrunk, muscles tightening with increased tension.

Kiiragi seemed to notice the subtle changes in the child's aura as he immediately added in a reassuring tone. "Ah, you aren't the only one going through this experiment," he explained. "All the children will be undergoing the same treatment."

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