Chapter 16 - Punishment

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We were looking like we were having constipation from a week. Our faces tensed but I can't change what's already done. All I can do was wait for Emma to do something.

I was resting my head on my hand, tapping my feet on the ground when a boy appeared in front of us.

He was little dull toned, a rectangular face with wide nose and bushy brows. He was younger than me.

"Principal sir is Calling Bella Walker and Asher Cooper in his office," he informed.

I nodded. "I am coming."

The other boy shook his head and exited from there.

I spun my head in their direction. "What are you waiting for? Let's go."

"Me?" Ash pointed at himself, also exaggerating by looking behind thinking that I was talking with the wall.

"No, the ant that is climbing the wall. It's name is also Asher Cooper. Of course you, goddamnit!"

"But why me? I didn't even uttered a word," he spat.

"Because of your lovingly Emma," I responded.

"This whole shit is because of you and that Emma. This wasn't the correct time to show girl power."

"It all started because of your stupid question," I debated.

"It wasn't stupid. It was a sweet friendly question that didn't went well in your dirty mind," he defended.

"You Spoiled Pizza!"

He Stuck his tongue out childishly at me. My hands were about to punch him but I was stopped in the midway as Nick spoke.

"Will you guys go to Principal's office tomorrow?" Nick interjected.

I nodded. I pulled Ash's hand who wasn't willing to go at any cost. He dug his nail on
the end of a notice board. I pulled him with even more strength. His grip was strong but unluckily the notice board was not.

I fell on the ground, he fell over me and the notice board fell over us. I shut my eyes tight, covering my face with my hand.
He wrapped himself around me. I could feel his body against mine.

He opened his eyes which were shut for a while. He caught my eyes and then glanced at how close we were. He lifted his body a bit, sensing the uneasiness and distanced himself from me but till then.
Nick rushed towards us followed by Sam and Dylan. Nick picked the notice board, helping us to stand up.

Ash rolled away from me. Nick gave me his hand and I took it. His brows crease with worry.

"Are you Ok, Bella?" He muttered with a worry look. He brushed from his hand the hairs that were coming on my face.

"Yes, I am."

"C'mon Ash, there was no point in doing this," he said, in a little high tone voice.

I rotated my head towards him but he wasn't standing there. He was still lying on the ground with his wrist covering his eyes.

"Are you waiting for Christmas to stand up?" I blurted.

"Maybe yes and also because I don't have anyone who will give me support to stand. No one wants to talk to me," Ash blurted starting to behave dramatic as always.

"Ash stop acting childishly now. You sometimes just don't think that what you do can hurt someone physically," Nick yelped.

"Woah, Nick. It was just an accident,' Dylan responded.

Ash curled up in a ball and rolled his eyes. "You can go, dumbos. I won't stand up.'

I offered my hand but he didn't took it and turned in another direction.

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