Chapter 35 - Rewind back to the old days

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B E L L A' S P O V

I felt the panic begin like a cluster of spark plugs in my abdomen. Tension grew in my face and limbs. My breathing became more rapid, more shallow. I hit speed-dial for Jack, no answer. I called again, my heart racing faster - no answer. Again - no answer. Again -no answer. My eyes scanned my other contacts and the panic grew. I decided to call his friends.

"Hello, James. I am Bella. Is Jack there with you?" I asked.

"No, he came to my house last night but then left in the morning. Why are you asking this? What happened?" He responded.

"No, it's ok. Thank you."

I hung up the call and dialed Stephen- Jack's best friend.

"Hey! What's up?" He spoke casually.

"Is Jack there with you?"

"No, he said he wanted to be alone for a while. He was disturbed, what's wrong?" said Stephen from the other side.

"Do you have any idea where he can be?" I questioned, panic not leaving me for a second.

"He can be at Thompson park. That place is quite lonely so he likes going there when he feels sad."

"O-ok Thank you."

"Anything for you, Babes."

The thoughts were accelerating inside my head. I wanted them to slow down so I could breathe but they weren't slowing. My breaths came in gasps and I felt like I will black out. My heart was hammering inside my chest like it belonged to a rabbit running for its skin.

The place spun and I squated on the ground, trying to make everything slow to something my brain and body could cope with. I felt so sick. I wanted to find Jack fast, he's too far away, it's too far away. I didn't knew who to call, where to go, who to call, too far away, he's gone. My body was shaking uncontrollably. I felt Ash's hands rest on my shoulders but I shrugged it off.

Ash was quietly squatting next to me, his eyes showed the kind of gentle concern. He laid his hand again lightly on my shoulder, and instead of flinching, I was soothed by it. He left his hand there and spoke with such a soft voice that was never expected from him.

"Don't panic. Your brother will be fine wherever he is. There are many J Ws here. Take slow Breath and calm down."

I tried my best to calm myself down and breath slowly.

"You okay?" said Ash, his eyes alarmed.

"Yes, I am."

"Don't make yourself sick. And why does that Stephanie or whatever his name is called you babes?" Ash muttered.

"It's not the time to talk about that," I replied.

"I know. I was just trying to lighten your mood," he murmured.

"We don't have time. Let's ...go," I jumped to my feet and gripped his hand.

And we began running towards the park.

After running for more than half of the way, I felt the screaming of my lungs and the will of my muscles to go far beyond what exercise could ever demand.

Ash accompanied me without even complaining for once. His hand gripped mine tightly as we ran.

On reaching the park, my eyes scanned for Jack but I couldn't find him so we decided to search for him separately.

The park wasn't that big. It was easy.

I strolled in the park but then I felt something soft against my shoes.

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