Chapter 8 - Best Friend

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I placed the sandwiches on the table.

Yes, Sandwiches.

I promised them that I would give a sandwich as a treat.

"But I still think Pizza was a better choice," Ash said, taking a bite of the sandwich.

"Give me the sandwich then," Dylan blurted.

"Sandwiches aren't bad either," he again took another bite.

My eye landed on the clock. OMG! I need to go.

I hurriedly ate the sandwich in my hand. "I am going now."

I stood up and was going when suddenly Nick clutched my hand.

I spun towards him and responded shyly "W-What?"

"Take your Phone."Nick gave me my phone.

"Thank you," I said.

"Ok, I am also going." Sam got up from the bed.

But Ash pulled his T-shirt and made him sit on the bed again.

"Who will clean my bed?" Ash hissed.

"Asher Cooper." Sam grinned.

"Nice Joke," Ash faked a smile, "But you will do it."

Their fighting will never end.

I turned back and sauntered to the exit.

I ran on the road, constantly looking at the Watch. On my way, I bumped into someone and fell down. My phone slipped from my hand.

I stretched my hand to grab my phone. As I spun my head to see to whom did I bumped.

There was no one, literally no one. Just a necklace with letter M and E.

What's the matter with these letters?

I kept my hand on the ground and with its support I stood up.

My eyes are still searching for the person whose necklace was this.

Maybe it's just a Coincidence.

I strolled through the roads and reached my car. Without wasting time, I sat inside and locked the door.

My mind was full of many Questions. I don't think it was just a Coincidence.

Once I reached Home, I rushed to my room and switched on the television. After seeing the news, my eyes widened. I could feel my hands were shaking.

Another brutal murder in the town, Moron Elliot who was son of a Policeman was killed few minutes before. The murderer called the Family of the Victim to inform about the murder. His body was half burned and just like the last murder. Two letters were written on his head with the help of the needle. And the letters were M and E. A feeling of fear is spread in the town. Two murders but police still failed to find any clue about the Murderer.

Some said that he must be Psycho because who will inform the family of the Victim after killing him. Investigation is still going on.

My throat dried up, it can't be a Coincidence. But why is this happening to me?

I switched off the television and rested my head in my hand.

The thoughts were disturbing me.

I ordered the servant to bring my dinner to my room and tell Mom that I am tired.

After eating the dinner, My stomach was full and I was tired too. So I slumped on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

 So I slumped on the bed and fell asleep quickly

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