Chapter 38 - Shitface

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It took me almost an hour to search for my phone in the darkness. I picked up my phone that was lying carelessly on the floor of the C-house.

My finger enclosed around the device, it's surface cold against my skin. My eyes took a while to adjust to the sudden light of the screen. There were no call.

A message from 'annoying soul' caught my attention that he sent a few minutes after confessing.

Annoying soul:
I hope that doesn't makes any difference between us. It's ok if you don't have same type of feelings for me

Annoying soul:
I am ridiculously embarrassed rn

I read the message in awe. A wide smile adorned my lips. Cute.My mind processed for a reply.

All of a sudden I felt someone grab me and a piece of cloth was shoved over my mouth, muffling my shout.

I was struck once, twice and another time before I fell to my knees in pain and groaned loudly.

When I sluggishly lifted my head up, I saw a man staring down at me with wicked grin.

"You are too eager to meet your brother, aren't you?" A dominant voice boomed, shattering the silence which suffocated the air like a fog.

The man's face was glowing in happiness. He chuckled in a dangerously low voice and a crazy grin was spread across his face.

"You are scared," he said cheerful.

"No, I am not," I managed to say.

The grin from his face disappeared. I opened my mouth to scream for help but the crazy man stroked me hard across my face. Making me fall back, with lip spitting and blood oozing out.

I whimpered, both in pain and fear. He stepped forward and inhaled deeply. "Smile."

I started crawling back to get away from him. He quickly tore the end of a curtain nearby, allowing some light to come inside. He bended, grabbing my hair and gagged my mouth with the cloth tightly.

I tried to see his face. He was a Tall man, skin as pale as the full moon, lurking in the shadows, staring, like a cobra seeking it's prey. His wide eyes black as inky pools, dark shadows under sunken eyes. hardened features. Hair slicked back, deep shadows under protruding cheek bones. His eyes had evil glint in them.

He raised his right foot and stomped on my right knee hard, crushing it in process. My scream of pain was muffled by the cloth.

The Pain felt like a sharp-toothed creature eating me from the inside. A tear rolled down my eyes, I felt helpless.

Grabbing me by my hair, he dragged me somewhere in the C-house.

I felt my vision black out as a hand ghost over my mouth, the last thing which registered to my numb mind was B and W.


A U T H O R ' S    P O V

Ash was currently in his house, hiding under the blanket like a rabbit in his burrow. His blush burned through his cheeks and his face felt like a hot oven. He was covering his rosey cheeks with his slender fingers.

The other boys sat across him, wondering what's wrong with their lover friend.

Nick tried to pull the blanket but it was held tight in the clutches of a blushing pig lover, giving tough competition to the claws of crab.

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