Chapter twenty-two : snow

Start from the beginning

First-person pov (Darryl)

I took a deep breath before I knocked on Zaks door, now or never am I right?

Footsteps were heard made their way up to the door before it opened to reveal a sleepy-looking zak, his oversized hoodie hanging loosely on his body, almost covering the shorts he had on making it look like he was only wearing his hoodie.

" what's up dare" zak smiled, how could a person be this cute? I smiled at zak who's face smiled back in return, " can I come in?" I asked, though I wouldn't mind asking him standing in his doorway I really didn't want issac to hear and give me the whole " you hurt him im beating your ass" talk, that was though if zak said yes.

Zak looked concerned for a second before moving back so I could enter, closing the door behind me I turned to the very confused zak and took another deep breath for God knows how many times today, you got this.

" These two months have been the best months of my life since I can remember, and through this time I've come to realise how much I really care about you, I really really like you zak more than just a friendship way, so if you'd like could I take you out on a date later today?"

Zak's figure froze, I almost started worrying I had just ruined our friendship until the biggest smile I've ever seen spread across his face, I couldn't hold back from pulling him into a hug which he happily returned.

" I would love too" zak mumbled into my hoodie, I had to hold myself back from not kissing him right here and now, that was for later.

" I'll come get you at seven then I'll drive us to the place I'm thinking about," I said when we pulled away from each other, Zaks face turned to confusion but before he could say anything I told him I wouldn't tell him where.

He rolled his eyes and dragged me out of his room, saying he needed to take a shower etc wish when u think about I need too.

Saying bye I walked over to my room, closing the door behind me I grabbed some boxers and walked over to my bathroom. Also locking that door behind me I started stripping my clothes off and stepped into the shower.

Turning the water on I hissed at the coldness but it quickly disappeared and was now warm. I grabbed my shampoo and put down in my hand before bringing it up to my hair same started rubbing it in.

Washing that I did the same with my conditioner but instead of washing it out immediately I grabbed my washcloth and body wash and started running the soapy cloth over my torso and the rest of my body.

When I was done I washed the conditioner out and turned the shower off before stepping out and grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist.

I looked in the mirror over the sink, my body still had some brun marks that just wouldn't go away, though they didn't bother my much anymore after I started working out and making my body how I wanted it to look, even with my scars im more than happy with how I've become.

The scars that didn't sit well with me was the scars on my face from two months ago, but shit happens, I can't do anything about them anyway.

Looking away I dried myself off and put on the boxers and unlocked the door, stepping out I walked over to my closet and for the time being picked out a simple hoodie and some grey sweats.

Putting on some white Nike socks I unlocked my bedroom door and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I started making a simple salad knowing that we would have to leave in about three hours.

I didn't realise the four eyes watching me from the sofa until one of them spoke up, " what are you smiling about ah?" Adams asked making me drop the knife, when did they get here?

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