Repeat : chapter six

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So I'm sorry about this chapter, it's one of the worst I've written, it doesn't make sense and is bad in general. I will make the next chapter much better I promise! I just reread this and all I can say is that I promise the next isn't gonna be like this.
I also managed to fucking break one of my ribs in a water accident so I will blame that on this even though it's literally just me not thinking while writing I'm sorry haha, but like I said sorry the next one will be better, and longer.

First-person pov (Zak's)

I opened the car door and sat down, closing the door I put on my seatbelt as Isaac started the car. "What do you think the movie is about?" Isaac said backing out of our driveway. "I don't know, it's a horror movie but the name is the last angle, it's kinda weird," I said turning to Isaac as he turned the wheel and started driving down our neighbourhood.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same" Isaac agreed with me. "Well we'll wait and see, might be good might be bad," Isaac continued, chuckling. I put on the radio and we continued our drive in a comfortable silence. I reached down in my pocket expecting to find my phone, but no, there it wasn't. "Isaac we need to turn around" I called out in a slight panic reaching in my other pocket and jacket pockets. " I don't have my ph-" I started but was cut off by Isaac's hand dropping my phone in my lap, "good thing I charged it and brought it with me then," he said turning to me, giving a small smile before turning his head to the road again.

"Oh my god thank you," I said dramatically as relief washed over me "you weirdo" Isaac responded but before I could even think of a response Isaac continued. "play some music I'm so done with the radio playing the same song three fucking times in a row," he said almost pleading which I could do nothing more than to agree with considering they've played Dance monkey thirty million fucking times now. So without saying anything I connected my phone to the stereo.

"what we up for, rap, 80s, indie punk, punk, metal, 2016 or 2014, clas- " I started   "some punk, indie punk is fine," Isaac said as we entered the highway "I was almost done" I huffed in a jokingly manner as I searched my playlist. I smiled when I found the song I was looking for. "I fucking love you" Isaac half-shouted as the first note played through the speakers. "Coming out of my cage-" he sang along with the lyrics as Mr. Brightside played. I smiled at Isaac as he sang and pretended he was playing drums on the steering wheel, "gotta gotta be down" I sang along and we continued down the highway.

"I never I never I never I never" we sang as the song ended. "Dude we rock holy shit," Isaac said jumping in his seat like an excited kid going to the store with his parents to buy candy. I Smiled a full smile at how excited he was, it was almost like his excitement was slowly reaching over to me and taking me under its excitement rush because the more I looked at him, more excited I got. "fuck this we need a playthrough of the killers put the shit on zaky" he said sending me that "you better" look, I chuckled and clicked on Somebody Told Me.

We sang through the song and all the others in line on the way, and after some time we finally reached the city. "We have enough time to go check out the beach you wanna go?" Isaac asked at the first red light. "I'm down" I answered, smiling, as the lights turned green. To our luck, the road continues right beside the beach so we could drive by instead ok having to walk out if the car.

As we got closer to the beach more and more lights and colours we could see. When we reached the beach it was lit up with all types of coloured lights, there were people dancing in swimsuits and bikinis. There were tents/shops planted all over like some had candy, others had alcohol, bonfires with big groups around them, and that classic one person with a guitar.

Third-person pov

"Seems like I miss read the tweet or something, it said there was gonna be a carnival and some roller coaster stuff happening" Isaac spoke up as they reached the end of the road beside the now dark and non-carnivaled beach. "Who cares we saw some boobs didn't we?" Zak said with the biggest smirk his brother has seen since before the accident, you see, Zak was one smirking little shit when they were younger and quite the jokester too. He always had a trick to pull at any circumstances, school, car rides, when Tina, their mom, would take them out shopping. He always found a joke when things got hard or difficult.

But after the accident, he changed, of course, you would think such a traumatic experience would change a person, but, Zak, he changed differently, that little poor boy completely lost everything he had, the bright joking spirit he had, gone in less than a blink. He broke, everything he is and was broke. Now leaving him with unbelievable suffering and unstopping pain.

"Some fucking big ones too am I right" Isaac joined in meeting the hand of his brother in a high-five with a copy of his brother's now smile on his face. They laughed and talked about the girls and what they had seen driving past the beach. Then, zak just started pouring out jokes and Isaac saw a glimpse of the little brother's young self the doctors and psychiatrists said was long gone, but as fast as he saw it, it was already gone when Zak's smile was washed away by his brother, who's first tear fell before he could get himself to pull it together.

Quickly wiping his face Isaac couldn't tell if he was happy to see what he's been longing for after all this time. He couldn't tell if the feeling that was consuming him was pure happiness or the dark repeating memories of it all happening again, the cries of his Zak, the blood dripping down the seats, and the blooded arms and hands of their parents holding hands for the last time.

"I'm sorry I got something in my eye" he quickly said trying to mask away his emotions from the person he cares most about, not wanting him to see the suffering he was undergoing as it all was replaying in his head. "You okay?" Zak said after a few seconds of silence that felt way longer then it was. " yeah yeah don't worry zaky" Isaac said putting on a smile and looking up at his brother, who's worried expression turned to a slight smile seeing what he thought was his brother being okay, but in reality, was slowly but surely breaking he too, just like the thing he holds dearest beside him.


++Unedited ++

I'm sorry for the shortness, I used to always make them the longest I could, but, I promise I'll make it up soon ;)
Even though this one is a bit on the sad side I hope you enjoyed it still, and I'll see you soon (hopefully)

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