The cup crashed onto the ground, shards of glass shattered with a bang that caught me by surprise. A  sudden gasp whimpered off my tongue, and I quickly covered my hands tighter over my mouth, trying to hide the sound.

The trooper's footsteps seized as he listened to my quiet cry. He slowly bent down, and peeked underneath my bed, where I eyes filled with terror as I stared into his white mask.

"well well..." he laughed, "there you are."

I tried to back up, but the trooper shot his arm out, gripping my wrist and dragging me out from under my bed.

I screamed in fear as the trooper dragged me into the living room by my wrist. My back scratched against the cold floor, my body squirming to try and break from his grip.

"Mom!" I cried, tears now rushing down my cheeks.

"Dom, no!" She screamed

"Found him." The trooper said to another, as they all began to enter the room. He picked up my wrist and tossed my body violently onto the floor.

"Take him away."

I peered up, and suddenly troopers surrounded, me grabbing tightly on my arms and feet as I wailed, trying to break free.

"Mom!" I screamed in fear as they shoved me towards the door.

"Let go of him!" She cried, rushing towards me. Her hands gripped the ends of the troopers armor, as she banged her fists into its body. Another trooper came behind her and pulled her away, her hand reaching out towards me.

I didn't want her to leave me...I could bear being away from her.

"You can't do this!" She cried.

"I can do what I want. You and your son are have no choice."

"You bastard!" My mother picked up her hand, and slapped the trooper across the face. He stumbled back and held his hand to his cheek. He angrily swung out his arms and pushed my mother, causing her to fall hard onto the cold floor. She crawled back in fear as the trooper gripped the rake out of his pocket. He pushed a button, and the tiny stick shot out into a giant blade that glistened in front of my mother's eyes.

"You shouldn't have done that." The trooper shouted

"NO!" My eyes widened with fear as the rake hovered over my mother, the troopers gripping tightly onto my limbs. I peered over to my father and wailed, "Father, do something!"

He quietly stood with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at my mother as if he hadn't even heard my cry. Why wasn't he doing anything?

I then glanced back at my mother, her blue eyes filled with tears as they met mine. Her sorrow ripped through my soul and burned through my body as the trooper lifted the rake above her head.

Oh my god...this can't be happening.

"You know..." said the trooper, tightening his grip on the rake,  "people like you..."

"no..." my voice trembled under my breath, my eyes burning with tears.

"I love you." My mother's lips spelled as she glanced at me.

"people like you..." the trooper continued, "they get what they fucking deserve!" The trooper lifted the rake higher over her body.

"NO!" I screamed, my hand reaching out towards her as she looked at me in fear. The blade shot out and cascaded towards her, ripping through her body while I quickly shut my eyes. I closed them tightly...hoping it would all go away..that maybe this was just all a dream. Though as soon as I opened my eyes...seeing my mother's corpse in a pool of her own blood...a trooper with a bloody rake and his hand and my father standing as if nothing happened...

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