Pitch Blackness

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Readers Note,

Dear Readers, this is my first attempt at a Teen Wolf fanfiction. This one will begin around season 2 and will become its own as the story continues. I hope everyone enjoys the story!

P.s. The amazing cover was done by Starmoon2970

The air was thick with the aroma of fresh rain, for the ground below of a gushy mess of mud and insects below. This sound was a familiar one to a young woman who dashed through the dense forest. Her boots nearly slipping into the muddy depths below, yet she continued to run. Her chest heaving rapidly as the young woman ducked behind a fairly large tree looming overhead. The girl's head was a storm of violent thoughts. And though her head was swimming, she knew one thing. She needed to survive. Choking back her own heavy breathing, the young woman clung to the shadows of the tree. Closing her eyes and allowing nature to become her eyes and ears. For once her mind was calm, she could truly become one with nature itself.

A hefty breeze danced through the trees above, causing the very leaves to fill the air. Seeming to almost cascade to the ground below in slow motion. It was with this that the young woman heard them; the ear piercing howls which ripped through the night air. She could hear two of them nearing her location at incredible speed; knowing this the woman snapped her almond shaped brown eyes open. Rising once more from her hiding place before taking off once more into the distance. And yet with each step she took, the predators only came closer and closer. She felt this, could feel their grotesque breathe on her neck, with this the woman slide across slick terrain. Mud coating her slim form, but the girl continued. This was nothing but survival to her. And that was something she was very good at.

Sensing the creatures growing near the young woman ducked to ground, nearly dodging the swipe of a powerful paw overhead. The assault barely missing her head. Holding back her fear with a facade of calmness; the young woman recovered from her slide. Maneuvering her body to the ground, the palms of her hands pressed firmly to the damp earth below. The mud sending a cool sensation rushing between her fingertips. With this the young girl willed the earth below her to aid her. Causing the ground below to tremble before rupturing. And from that entrance large jagged roots sprouted from it, monstrous vines that shot across the area. The plants themselves emitting a vibrant emerald hue which seemed to mirror the very caster. As the young woman's irises were now a brilliant green as well.

With this development, the heinous creature of black fur yowled loudly into the night air. The large creature now in the clutches of the woman's spell. For the vines viciously encased the Werewolf, simulating the actions of a anaconda. Seeking to surely and swiftly shatter the very bones of the one who sought to end the life of it's caster. Without breaking eye contact, the young woman snapped her fingers. Alerting her creation of her final command. To end the life of that which lay in it's clutches. The vines emerald glow intensified even more, stretching through the very trees. Scattering across the vast sky around her. It was with this that multiple loud and sickening cracks echoed about the forest along with the final bellow of a beast. Who's body lay limp within the grasp of the vines.

With a shaky breath, the young Wicca stood tall. Her hands placed upon the living organism which had protected her. Silently, the woman thanked the earth for its protection in her time of need. Though in her moment of blindness, another creature approached. And this one was quite a bit wiser than it's predecessor. For this werewolf stuck to the trees, and using it's inhuman speed it lunged downwards at the woman. At the last moment she sensed this, and turned her attention upwards to the fiend above. Frothing at it's massive jaws and it's claws aimed for her throat. She swallowed hard, her breath leaving her. With her hands firmly pressed upon the bark of the vine,it moved. Seemingly on its own accord. Though it was only able to soften the blow on its master. For the massive creature managed to barrel through the plant life. Pieces of it's bark flying about as it's claws ripped through the protective barrier. With a single swipe of it's claws, large gashes bloomed upon the young girl's right shoulder.

Her sheer cry echoed about the air, as the young girl's left hand reached out to slow to bleeding. Crimson seeping between her fingers and dying the ground below a unique shade of red. Clenching her teeth, the young woman ran. Her blood dribbling upon the earth leaving a trail for her enemies to follow. Something she detested above all else. Though with each step, her body became sluggish. And soon enough refused the young woman's will. Causing her to fall to the ground below in a trembling crimson mess. With her face first in the mud, the girl couldn't help but to release a grunt. Mud seeping into her hair and fingernails, but she continued to claw at the muddy ground below. Refusing to give up here. She swore she would not die this night.

Through her anguish, the woman managed to drag her ragged body across the ground. Painting a fairly large circle using her own blood as a catalyst. With this she leaned against a sturdy tree, her back pressed against it. Her breathing was deeply labored as her blood began to mix with the earth. She smiled to herself as the constant roars of more Werewolves screeched through the air. There were more of them. Of course there were. There always was. Releasing a deep sigh the young girl steadied herself as they drew near. For in the distance she witnessed 5 pairs of sinister crimson eyes. Becoming the only light in the darkness around her, the girl swallowed a lump in her throat. She was aware that her blood would only bring more. Though she was unsure just how much more energy she could muster. This would be her final stand against this horde at least.

Impatiently the group of Werewolves neared their prey, each of the beasts snarling. Saliva dripping from their mouths while a single Werewolf's claws were still slick with her blood. The remaining 5 Werewolves lunged towards the seemingly defenseless girl. A smirk forming on her plump lips once her trap had been rigged. It was then that the circle of blood began to emanate a brilliant crimson which soaked into the earth itself. The Werewolves peered around anxiously before the ground below them caved in, revealing a ghastly chasm. This chasm gave off an otherworldly glow which enveloped all who dared to bare witness. Turning her head away from the scene, the yowls of the enemy was all she could hear. For moments after their wails ceased, the earth effortlessly filled in. Leaving only the outline of the young girl's blood as evidence of the act.

Releasing a heavy sigh of relief the young girl pressed her back to the tree. Her head tilted upwards to the waning moon above. It had appeared she was correct, she infact would not die this night. Though even after her victory, she felt hollow. As if she was not truly alone in the forest. With this in mind, the brown eyed woman turned her attention ahead of her. For she had sensed other entities in her midst. Friend or enemy, she did not know. However she was sure of one thing, she would survive.

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