chapter twenty-seven.

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important note: TODAY IS A DOUBLE UPLOAD!

"Well? I don't have all day."

"What? Oh, um." Jason fidgeted nervously. Piper's hand was slung across Annabeth's chair, and they both looked at him, unamused. Leo was playing with his newest invention: a small, circular robotic thing that shot fire with a snap of his fingers. He grabbed the wrench on his lap, fastening it on a bolt and twisting, hard. No one was paying attention, which soothed him a little.

"Okay. I... I have something to confess." They continued to half-ignore him, and he glanced back at Chiron, who gave him a stony look. It seemed like an hour before he opened his mouth again.

"I... This is all my fault." Piper wrinkled her nose. "I'm gonna leave." She got up, but Jason stopped her. "Wait," He held out a hand desperately. "Just hear me out."

"This better be good, Grace." She muttered threateningly. Good?

"You guys remember that farmhouse? The one where you all said Percy was trying to kill you?" Now their interest peaked, and Leo even set down his wrench. "Yes." He answered, narrowing his eyes.

"That was me." Jason felt his heart drop, regretting each moment. And he'd all done this for what? Because he was jealous?

Oh gods. They were going to die just because Jason was jealous. He looked into Leo's eyes, taking a deep breath.

Then he told them the entire story.

"And... that's why Percy's gone now." They were silent. Annabeth stared at him with a mix of disgust and sadness, Piper unable to meet his eyes. The quiet in the room stretched for miles and miles. Jason examined their features. Hazel's wide eyes that matched the size of Frank's, Leo's wild hair that seemed to glare at him, Piper's tense jaw, and Annabeth's furrowed brows.

"I knew it." She finally said. "I suspected you from the very beginning. And now, because of me, Percy's gone." She leaned back, defeated. Jason's jaw slacked a bit, not expecting this reaction. I'm not getting blamed?

"No. It's not your fault, Annabeth. Don't say that." Hazel patted her back, as she bit her lip and stared into space.

"Gods Jason, I don't even know how to feel." Piper rubbed her temples, feeling tears prick at her eyes. "I can't believe you'd do that to him. And us." Those words hit Jason in the chest like a medicine ball, and his defensive instincts kicked in.

"You? Are you really trying to victimize yourself?" He snarled. "Seriously?" Everyone looked up at him, and it only fuelled his anger more. "You guys are insane. Did you really forget everything you've said and done to Percy? Yeah, maybe it's my fault that we're in this situation, but don't forget that you called him a monster, Annabeth. And don't you dare forget that if not for you guys, he'd still be here." Chiron grabbed Jason's wrist, dragging him out of the room. When they were gone, heavy, thick, tension filled the air.

Until Leo began to laugh.

"What the hell, Leo?" Frank choked.

"Ha. Sorry, it's just so ironic. Are we the bad guys?" He turned to Annabeth, a crazed smile painted across his face. "Are we really the bad guys now?"

"Snap out of it." She said through gritted teeth. "Focus. Now isn't a time to get off track, or to be mad. It won't help anything."

Annabeth being rational, per usual. Piper muttered. "Exactly. We know the truth, we know we need Percy, and most importantly, we need to apologize. And we need to do it now."


Annabeth and Frank stood at the beach, holding a seashell. It was one that Percy had gifted to Annabeth a few months prior to the mess. She tossed it into the water, feeling a little bitter as it drifted away.

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