chapter nine.

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Jason watched Annabeth take off her sparring gear. He had the little glass ready and was listening intently to Percy talk to her. He shook the potion gently, Percy's lock of hair swivelling around. He had just gone to Percy's cabin right when he left to go sparring and picked a lock of hair from his pillow.

"...going to go to my cabin, I'll meet you for dinner in a sec, Wise girl." He kissed the top of her head and Jason snickered. He couldn't wait to imagine the face Percy would make when he finally finished with Annabeth. She waved to him and he left. Jason watched Percy disappear around the corner and when he was sure that he was finally gone, he snuck out from under the bush he was hiding behind.
Being as quiet as he could he tiptoed to Annabeth, who seemed to be deep in thought. His heart pounded in his chest and he was sure Annabeth could hear it. He winded his fist back, ready to deliver a blow, when Annabeth whipped around. Jason threw his fist forwards.

"What ar-" His fist collided with Annabeth's forehead. She fell to the ground, sprawled all over the grass. Jason gritted his teeth, praying that no one heard him. He fumbled with the glass, his hands shaking. He nearly dropped it.  

Collect yourself, Grace. 

Jason  took a deep breath and nodded, his hands no longer shaking. With a small pop! The bottle cap flew open and the pink liquid sloshed around. He used his fingers to open her mouth wider and poured the liquid inside. Then he put the small glass back into his pocket. Lifting Annabeth up with a small breeze, he flew her into his cabin.

Inside his cabin, he placed her on his bed. He sat at the bedside for a good 15 minutes, but it felt like forever. Jason was about to fall asleep when Annabeth groaned. He looked up and he watched as Annabeth opened her eyes groggily and rubbed her forehead, wincing in pain. She turned to him and her eyes seemed to grow bigger. He felt the potion taking effect.

"Jason?" She said in an abnormally high voice. She shook her head and looked at him again.

"Hey, Annabeth." Jason awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, uncomfortable and regretting not preparing for their conversation after this.

"How did I get here?"

"Uh, well, I saw you passed out on the floor. So I took you to my cabin." He lied, trying to smile. She giggled. "How romantic." She sighed, looking at the door. Just as he was about to reply, there was a knock on the door. Whew, saved by the door. 

"Coming!" He made a move towards the door, but a voice piped up from the other side.

"Jason? Annabeth? Where's Annabeth?" Percy said suspiciously. Jason cursed under his breath and climbed into the bed on top of Annabeth. Please, Percy, kick open the door and see this. This is so awkward and gross. Annabeth giggled again. I will never get used to this Annabeth. 

"Annabeth? Jason! JASON, OPEN THE DOOR!" Percy banged on the door and Jason wanted to laugh.

"And what if I don't?"

"GRACE!" He heard a crash and saw Percy, his eyes blazing, punch down his cabin door. Jason saw his eyes dart to them, and his face transform from anger, shock, and to fury.

"Get off her." He said quietly. Jason didn't budge, but swallowed a lump in his throat. In a flash, Percy was pinning him against the wall, his hand around his neck. Jason grabbed at his fingers, struggling to breathe. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing." He said this like a statement and not a question. Jason watched quietly as Annabeth snuck up from the bed, creeping up behind Percy.

"N-nothing." He said, trying to distract him. Annabeth quickly landed a blow to the back of Percy's head and Percy grunted, releasing Jason.

"Annabeth?" He said, sounding like a lost puppy. Jason knew that it wasn't his head that hurt, and instead his heart. He looked at her, searching for any trace of, well, anything. She only defiantly glared back at him. "Get lost, Percy. First you disturb us and next you attack Jason?"

"But Annabeth-"

"I said get lost, Jackson."

"Wise girl-"

"Don't call me that, Perseus." He flinched and stepped backwards. 

"I love you?" He tried again. Jason wanted to break out into a laughing fit. Annabeth recoiled in disgust.

"Ew, shut up. Why would you ever think that I love you back?" She looked him up and down and Jason could swear that he heard Percy's heart break. Annabeth grabbed Jason's hand and kissed his cheek, and Jason knew that he had seen enough. He bolted out of the broken door. Annabeth smiled up at him and Jason weakly grinned back. He didn't feel so good.

You feel great.

Right. He felt great. He muttered something and sighed. The first part of his plan was ready.


Percy had no idea where he was going. 

Why would you ever think that I love you back?
Why would you ever think that I love you back?

The words played on repeat in his head, and each time he felt his heart hurt even more.

Annabeth. He had ended up at the beach. He sat down on the sand, remembering the first time he waterbent a picture of Annabeth and him together.

"Haha! Look at our faces, you silly goose." Annabeth punched his arm and Percy looked at the messy smiley faces.

"I think you still look really pretty." He said honestly. Annabeth just smiled at him.

"You're a terrible artist, Jackson. Has anyone told you that?"

"How dare you. They hang my art up at the Louvre."

"Sure." They gazed at the picture. Annabeth was leaning on Percy, who looked down, admiring every single strand of hair on her head.

"Do you know that I love you a lot, Annabeth Chase? And every single hair on your head? And both of your eyes and your nose and your mouth? And your, uh, skin pieces?" Annabeth laughed. "Skin pieces?!"

"I don't know what they're called." He pouted and Annabeth laughed again.

"I love you too, Seaweed brain."

Without knowing, Percy had crafted the exact same image that night in the dark sky. Tears brimmed at his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Annabeth. Please, I don't know what to do without you." He said out loud, his voice cracking. He sobbed, tears sliding down his face. 

"I don't even know what I am without you. I don't know what I'd become without you." Now, his head was in his hands. His body shook as he cried harder under the stars. 

"Please, Annabeth."

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