Last First Kiss : Chapter 5 : Can't Breath!

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We drove for minutes without talking to each other, until Louis broke the silence.

“So, how's everything going back there guys?” he asked as showing his face at the glass.

Zayn nor Dana answered, so I answered for them.

“We're okay!” I said, as I adjusted to my position.

“Are guys you sure?” he asked again, trying to reassure. It was actually really obvious that Zayn and Dana weren't. Who would even be happy if they're all covered up with filthy liquid that came out from other people's bodies?

“I am! I'm not just sure with the two” I said, pointing at them.

“How would you lads like if we put on some tunes?” Louis asked.

“Sure!” I was about suggest them to play their album, but felt like it would be awkward.

“Hmm how about – ah here!” I heard Liam and Niall talking.

In a few seconds music started playing. I wasn't really familiar of what they played at first, but once the lyrics came in, I already knew what it was. I had a memory about this song – a good one. It reminds me of my classmate when I was in high school.

Out of all the songs that can be played, why would they play this one? Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The guys I'm with are One Direction. They think randomly and they would always do something goofy that Directioners like me would enjoy a lot.

“Really guys? Really?” Zayn said. I couldn't believe I forgot!

“Why Zayn? It's your favorite song right?” Louis said sarcastically.

Yes, now I remembered! I used to read on an article on the net that Zayn's favorite song was “Barbie Girl” but I was sure that it wasn't really true. Zayn must just be joking around when he said it.

“Okay – now you guys stop!” Liam demanded.

“Yes daddy!” Louis said, positioning back to his seat.

I looked at Dana, she stayed silent – not saying anything. I wasn't really used to her being like this. The Dana I knew would freak out in times like this, but instead she stayed quiet for whole trip. I wonder what was going into her mind. Whatever it was, it might be really serious.

The car went on a stop and I heard the guys get out of the truck.

“We're here!” Liam said, turning off the engine.

Where were we? I looked around the place and I'm pretty sure I haven't been on this side of London yet. It was really dark – so dark that it was scaring the crap out of me. I wasn't really a fan of dark places. Never had, never will.

I came close to Dana and found out she was sleeping. I tapped her face and she woke up. She looked around the place for a bit and asked me where were we.

“I don't know” I said, “Let's get out of here so that you could clean yourself up”

She stood up and we were about to go out of the truck when she tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around to find Zayn sleeping.

“He's sleeping. The guys didn't wake him up?” Dana asked.

“I guess so” I said, “Why don't you wake him?”

“Me? No way!”

“Why not? Do you want us to leave him here or what?”


“Then go and wake him”

Dana sighed. She walked towards Zayn and tried to tell him to wake up, but it wasn't working.

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