Last First Kiss : Chapter 13 : Are You Mad?

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                                            We are cordially inviting you to                                               

                                               School of Design and Arts

                                                          Winter Dance

                                                              7:00 PM

                                         Terpsichore Dance Room Garden

                                        Wear your best Dress/Suit and Tie

“I never knew they have these kind of stuff here” 

“Me neither” Dana said, looking at the flyer I was holding, “Well, that's interesting.”

“Hmm It sounds fun – I think.” I said, dropping the flyer to the couch which has failed because it fell to the floor instead.

“What do you mean by It sounds fun? This would have to be the most interesting thing they've ever planned so far in our school.” 

Well she has a point.

“Okay, it may be okay but I don't think it's enjoyable. I mean, these kind of events usually needs a partner and there would be lots of love birds fluttering around the room for sure.” Which I do not like to see at the moment.

“Who says we need dates, when we can – hmm... Wait a minute.” Dana said standing up, “I'll be back!” she continued and rushed out of the room. In a few minutes, she came back her phone on her hand.

“Let me see – don't have a date? Then we'll find one!” she said as she searched contacts of people from her phone.

“Wait! Are you out of your mind? Who are you going to call?” I bursted, rushing towards her.

“I really don't know. The guy that I bumped in school the other day?”

“Dana!” I said, face-palming my self.

“Okay, okay! Chill! I was just messing with you.”

“Phew... Good thing!” I said in relief.

“Nah, not really!”


“Chillax! I know the guy already. His name is Kevin and – ”

“Wait, wait, wait! How come I don't know about this?” Well that hurt. She didn't even tell me about it.

“Well, maybe because you've been busy for the past few weeks?” Ohhhh....

Busy? Oh yeah, busy on my Family, friends and well my heart life. Yes, my health-heart insurance. Nah! Just kidding.

All I've ever did a week ago was stay in my room, trying to communicate with my loved ones. They've been doing well as what they've told me. Even him. Yes, him.

Yes, it's true. I've been talking to him. I didn't want to sound or look like I'm bitter.

He told me he was okay and well I believe him – a bit. He might talk like he's the jolliest person in the world, but I knew that behind that – he had a problem.


“Elizah!” Dana snapped her fingers in front of my face.


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