Last First Kiss : Chapter 3 : The Final Countdown

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"Do I look too over dressed?" Dana said, spinning around in front of the mirror. She faced me raising her hands up.

"So?" she said.

"No, it's – Amazayn! You definitely look like a girl version of The Zayn Malik" I said, giving her a thumbs up.

“Awesome! So let's go?” she said, putting the tickets that we got from the awesome trash can at school.

“Yeah!” I said, putting my sling bag in my right shoulder.

“We're going mom!” Dana said as we approach the door.

“Okay, bye girls! Have fun!” Mrs. Mallari said.

“Yes mom, we will!” Dana said and we walked to their car on their driveway. We got in and Dana commanded their driver Smithy to start driving.

“Where's your cd?” Dana asked. I opened my bag and took my Up All Night cd and handed it to her.

“Smithy, can you kindly put this on?” Dana said, handing it to him.

“Sure” he said, taking it from Dana and putting it in the cd player. It loaded for a second and the cd started playing.

We squealed once 'I Wish' started. It really was happening, we were about to see One Direction live in person!

Na na na na na

Na na na na na

He takes your hand, I die a little

I watch your eyes and I'm in riddles

Once we stopped squealing, we started singing along with the guys on the track. I wonder how is it to sing with them in person? It would have to be the best feeling ever!

So we drove for about an hour and we finally got to arrive in our destination. I looked outside the window and saw a big stadium with tons of girls waiting outside. I guess we weren't the only ones who planned to go here early.

“Oh my glob! We're here!” Dana said, freaking out while I look outside, still couldn't be able to believe that we're actually here to see and watch the 5 fit, talented, amazing guys that we've been going crazy about since the day me and Dana met each other. Smithy parked to an unoccupied parking lot, while we readied ourselves, checking everything in our bags, especially the precious tickets we got.

“We're here!” Smithy said, “So what time will I pick you two up?”

“We'll just text or call you when the show's done!” Dana said, opening the door. She went out, with me following at her back.

“Bye Smithy!” I said and he responded, “Bye girls” We waved him goodbye and we continued walking towards the stadium. When we got closer we got to see more and more groups of Directioners on the area. Amused, I looked at Dana and told her that this was totally Amazayn! She replied with a big smile and said, I know! We continued walking to the line full of Directioners like us. Atlast, so this was how it feels to be a part of something really big. We looked like one big happy family!

“Again, I'm really sorry that I keep on saying this since last, last week. This is just freakin' Amazayn!” Dana said.

“You're not the only one! I still think that I'm in a dream and I wouldn't believe all of these until I see them in flesh!” I told her. Yes it did feel like that! From the day that I took those tickets from the trash can, I really couldn't believe that we have it right right now! It was just surreal.

“I agree with you! I couldn't even get to sleep last night! Actually, I think really didn't get to sleep!” she said.

“What time did you sleep?” I asked her.

“2:00 A.M. But I woke up at 4:00 A.M. and I didn't go back to sleep at that time. I just got down and watch UP ALL NIGHT in the living room.” she explained.

“So that's why! You left me on your room! When I woke up and I couldn't see you anywhere, it scared the cheese out of me! You do know that I'm a scaredy cat right?” I said, making a sad face.

“I'm really sorry! I just didn't want to wake you up, that's all.”

“Okay, I get it” I sighed, “So anyway, how many hours do we have to wait till we can go inside the stadium?”

Dana looked at her phone to check what time it was, “It's 7:30 A.M. so... We'll be waiting here for about – 8 hours”

“Okay, anything for 1D!” I said and imagined how my mom would react if she knew that me and Dana came her early. When we told her that we'll be going to the concert early, I think what she's understood is that we will be arriving here, about 3 hours before the show.

A few hours passed and it was already 12:45 which means it's lunch time. My stomach growled, craving for something to eat. It's a good thing that me and Dana are always ready for times like this. I have 4 packs of Pop tarts inside my bag, ready to be eaten. I took one from my bag and tear the packet open. I offered Dana some, but she only took a pinch. She really liked Pop Tarts, but she's too sensitive when it comes to calories. The first time I brought and offered her some Pop Tarts to school, she took the packet from me and looked at the nutrition facts and once she saw it she gave it back to me and said thank you. It was just the other day that I've convinced her to taste it even just a little bit. Once she took her first bite, I knew that she liked it but she's just to worried about the weight that she'll gain. I really could not believe how she can control herself from not eating.

Once we were able to finish the whole packet, Dana put out her phone and played one of the guys songs. We started singing and the other girls at our back did the same. So we waited there for about 4 more hours, still playing their songs and singing along with the other Directioners. Until Dana looked at her phone and saw that there were only two bars left.

“Sorry! I only have two bars left!” she said at the Directioners at our back. It's a good thing that they understood and said that it was okay. After Dana turned off her phone, I decided to let out one of my One Direction magazines. We took a look at it and read the facts that we've already read all over and over again. The Boys really never fail to amuse us. Everything about them is just so – incredible.

While we keep on reading the magazines that I brought, we didn't notice that it was already getting dark. Meaning we were a few hours away from seeing the guys. It wasn't a long wait when another hour passed by. It was already 7:30 P.M and there's just 30 minutes left. Dana and I squealed and the other did the same. We just couldn't contain our excitement and since it was our first time to get to see them. It was just really special to both of us.

A few minutes passed and they already let us inside the stadium. We had no idea which part of the stadium we were staying. Good thing, there were people whom we got can ask where we'll be staying. They assist us to the right side of the stage, beside the long isle. I do hope they'd be go here a lot! Now, while we were waiting, there were some of 1D's song playing on the stadium and we just couldn't help to sing and dance to it. We watched the Stadium being filled with tons of Directioners and the singing and squealing got even louder every 5 minutes. Once the stadium was almost full a voice in the background announced that the concert was starting in about 5 minutes. Me and Dana began to shout, as well as the other Directioners we're surrounded with. I couldn't believe it this was it!

The minutes went so quickly and a countdown started set in a minute. Every second that past made my heartbeat faster and faster. This was it! And by the time there was only 5 seconds left Dana and I looked at each other and screamed at the top of our lungs. We didn't get to notice the lights were on and the boys were already on stage.

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