Chapter 25: Way To Keep Your Priorities Straight

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Hehehe sorry for the cliffhanger I gave you guys! Here's the next chapter! And a pic of Domy!!!

*stammers* that's... Thats... That's Domy!?

Yes yes it is.

*gawks* *faints* *dies of heart fluttering*


I felt nothing.

I couldn't think.

I couldn't feel.

I couldn't hear.

I didn't even see.

I just stared into the abyss in front of me.

In the distance I feigned someone calling my name, trying to reach me.

But I couldn't respond. All I could do, was exist. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The voice of the person calling my name grew more distinct, becoming more clear with each word.

"Charlie... Charlie... Charlie..."

I turned my head and locked gazes with a person I knew. He was frantic as his eyes searched mine. His lips mouthed a sentence, but I could not hear it. He grew more frantic and shook my shoulders.

"Charlie!" His voice finally said, my name registering in my thoughts.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the numb feeling within me.

"W-what?" I ask, my voice a whisper.

"Charlie, what's wrong? Please, please tell me." He begged me, worry and concern clear in his eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows together, opening my mouth.

I tried to speak, but could not. My body and voice remained frozen and scared.

"H-ho-home." I stutter out, my voice barely a whisper.

Jake nods determinedly before dragging me around the hood of the car and seating me in the passenger seat. I felt like a rag doll, letting him control my every limb as he buckled me in.

"Don't worry, Sweetcake," he says, cupping my cheek, "we'll be home in no time." And he shut the door.


"Charlie!" Cameron exclaimed, rushing toward me as Jake guided me through the front door.

No response.

"Charlie?" Cam furrowed his eyebrows together in worry.

"I think she's in shock." Jake said, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close. "What happened?"

Cam between us confused. "You don't know? She didn't tell you?"

Jake scrunched his brows together in confusion as his grip tightened. "Tell me what?"

Cam punched the bridge of his nose in frustration and breathed deeply. "Come into the living room."

Jake nodded and followed Cameron as he spun on his heel and stalked off.

We entered the living room and were greeted by a concerned Domy.

"Lottie!" He rushed to me, pulling me from Jake and embracing me tightly. "Lottie are you okay?" He asked me, petting the back of my head.

I nodded my head numbly and moved to sit on the couch. I rested my elbows on my knees and cradled my head in my hands, taking deep breaths and keeping my composure.

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