Chapter 17: Who Knew A Girl Could School You

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"Hey Charlie." I heard a deep voice say. I turned from my locker with a bored expression to see Ray and two of his dogs standing behind him.

"Ray. Pleasure seeing you here." I said, sarcasm dripping from the comment.

He smirked. "So what's up with you and Michaelson?"

Jake? He's here to ask me about Jake?

"Aww what's wrong? Is little Raymie jealous?" I sneered. I knew he hated that name.

He marched up to me, slamming me against the lockers. People glanced our way and kept their ears listening, but none dared to stay when Ray and his gang were around. "What did you say to me?"

Aww that's cute. He thinks he scares me.

"I asked if little Raymie was jealous." I retorted matter-of-factly.

"Shut up, Gray. Now answer the damn question." He snarled.

"Well which do you want? For me to shut up or answer the question?" I had to the chance. He left it wide open.

He growled before propping his arm at me neck and pushing me against the lockers once more. I yelped. A lock was digging into my skin. Ray smirked at my pain. "What's the matter Gray," he pressed his arm harder, making me wince in pain, "can't take the pain? Are you that weak?"

Don't do it Charlie.

I grunted. "No... It's that..." I winced in pain again.

Do you have a death wish?

"I'm sorry what?" He leaned so our faces were centimeters apart. "I didn't hear you." His buddy's in the background were snickering the background all the while.

You'll be asking for a funeral, Charlie.

I looked him dead in the eyes, just like with my father. "Your breath smells like horse crap."

You're screwed.

He blinked dumbfounded. "What?"

"Your breath smells so bad, it hurts to breathe it in."

Nice knowing you world!

I heard his friends all say "Oooh" simaltaneously. He glared at me and slammed me against the locker again.
"You're going to regret that, Charlie."

Yea, I know.

"Prove it." I growled.

He then smiled. Not like his usual devious smile. No. This smile sent chills down my spine, just like when my father had smiled.

"Glad to."

I gasped, siting straight up from the dream. My forehead was beaded with sweat as my lungs releasing heavy, shaky breaths. I ran a hand through my hair and a hand rested on my speeding heart.

What kind of nightmare was that?

I heard the soft pelts of raindrops on the roof and window. Turning my gaze, I saw that it was still very dark outside. I glanced at the alarm clock.

2:47 am

Groaning, I let my head fall back onto the pillow. Well, at least, I tried. My head ended up colliding with my headboard with a loud 'thump!' which was followed by a long line of profanities from my mouth.

"Charlie?" Cameron asked, poking his head slowly into the room.

I stopped my banter and gave a forced smile. "Hey Cameron."

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