Epilogue: I Punched The Bad Boy

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"Ugh! She's impossible!" I hear Cole exclaim angrily, slamming the front door.

I sigh and shake my head as heavy footsteps trudge into the kitchen and the seventeen year-old goes straight to the fridge.

Gotta love teenage boys and their priorities.

"Hello to you too, Cole." I say sarcastically as I lean against the counter and sip my coffee.

He sighs and grabs a can of root beer before walking up and kissing my cheek.

"Hey, Mom." He grumbles before marching to the stool on the other side of the counter and muttering incoherent sentences under his breath.

"Is something wrong, sweetie?" I ask him, walking up and setting my cup on the counter before resting on my elbows and looking at him expectantly.

He gives me an 'are-you-serious' look. "No, Mom. I just feel like punching a wall because the world is just right." He deadpans.

I raise an eyebrow at him in a challenging way. "You wanna say that to me again?"

In a flash he's around the counter and hugging me with his 6'2 frame. "I'm sorry, Mom! I didn't mean it!" He says frantically, knowing very well I could do worse than ground him.

I sigh and push him away before patting his chest. "It's okay. But tell me, why did you decide to abuse our front door?" I ask.

He grumbles and trudges back to his stool. "There's this new girl--"

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE TALKING TO ME ABOUT A GIRL!?" I exclaim, jumping up and down as clapping my hands like I won the lottery.

My baby is talking to me about a girl! I wonder what she's like! Is she pretty?  Does she get good grades? What does she--

"No, mom! Just no! That's not why I am talking to her!" He exclaims, stopping my train of thought.

I sulk my shoulders and pout. "Well when are you going to bring me a girl!? Jeez, I swear you're just like your father before I met him." I grumble.

"What do you mean?" He asks me, tilting his head to the side and making me think of him when he was two years old.

"Well, your father was... Very experienced... Before I met him in senior year." I say.

His eyes go wide as realization hits him. "DAD WAS A PLAYER!?"

I chuckle as I remember how conceited my husband use to be. "Yep."

He stares at me dumbfounded. "But he's... He's dad! The guy who doesn't even talk to other girls unless your around! The guy who is a curator of art in the museum!?" He questions me disbelievingly.

I nod my head with a rueful smile. "Yep. He wasn't always the responsible, one-girl-for-me guy. He actually once made out with my bully."

Just before he could question me further, I get us back on topic. "So, tell me about this girl." I ask him, taking a sip of my coffee.

Agitation fills his features as he thinks of her. "She's so annoying! She sent a baseball flying into the back windshield of my car, she kicked me--Twice!--and she slapped me! She actually slapped me!" He vents, using his arms with violent gesticulations. "It's like she thinks she doesn't care about what anybody thinks! And she just got here!"

I chuckle as I listen to him describe her.

I like her already.

Just as I open my mouth to speak, Jake's voice booms through the house. "We're home!" He strings out the last word.

"In the kitchen!" I yell back, sending a smirk toward my still agitated son.

Jake saunters in just as my five year old daughter Kaily scampers into the kitchen and wraps her self around my legs. "Mommy! Mommy!" She exclaims with a giggle, looking up at me with doe brown eyes.

"Hey there, baby girl." I say, hoisting her up and resting her on my hip.

"Hey, Sweetcake." Jake says with a lopsided smile, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Dad is it true that you use to be a player?" Cole blurts out, looking at his father expectantly.

Jake chokes on the coffee he was drinking from my cup before looking at our son. "Who told you that!?"

"Mom did."

I scowl at my son.

Just throw me under the bus will you.

"Did she now?" Jake looks at me with a sideways glance as an all too familiar smirk grows on his lips. 

I roll my eyes and shake my head, getting a plastic cup and pouring milk in it.

Conceited jack. He'll never let me live this down.

"Yep. She said you even made out with her bully." Cole continues as I send him daggers.

Jake laughs and shakes his head. "Those were the good ole days, weren't they?"

I scowl at him, causing him to laugh more. Kaily jumps down and grabs her milk, scampering into the dining room.

"Don't worry, Sweetcake, I still could never have anyone but you." He says with a grin before pecking my lips and walking away, laughing the entire time.

"So... Can you tell me?" Cole asks, hope in his voice.

"Tell you what?"

"The story of how you and Dad met! I want to know what made him abandon his player ways." He says cheekily.

I sigh and rest on my elbows. "You really want to know?"

He nods his head. "Yes! Tell me!"

I laugh and shake my head. "Okay. So it was the first day of school in a small town of Wisconsin. It was raining and..."

So I told him.

I told him the story of when I punched the bad boy.



That's it for the story, y'all. Thank you for reading the book. It's truly the love and support from all of you that makes writing possible. If you would like to read more, I would recommend my new story, The Eve of Darkness, which updates every Friday.

Also, if you have the ability, please consider donating to my Buy Me a Coffee page, as working two jobs and writing is fairly difficult, so any financial support is greatly appreciated.

See you in other stories!

- Kai

I Punched The Bad Boy: UNEDITEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें