Chapter 27: I Could Show You My Weapon

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Photo of Kyle Matthews on the SIDE!!!

*Internally Fangirls*









"Did you just quote 'The Three Little Pigs'?" Kyle asks me incredulously.


"...Maybe..." I respond.

"Wow." He says, stretching out the word. "Way to prove your brilliance."

I glare at him before lowering my gaze back to the chess game in front of us.

We had been playing chess for the past hour. I had challenged him to the game after an argument of who was the mastermind of our group if we were to be the characters of the tv show 'Leverage'. Obviously, we both said that we were Nate, even though Kyle made the claim that I would be Elliot. No offense to the hitman, but I would prefer to be scary sociopath over intimidating brute... though that doesn't necessarily mean I am the brilliant sociopath rather than person who beats everybody up... yea... that's not me at all...

"CJ, you've been staring at the board for like twenty minutes. Face it. I have beat you..." he counts on his fingers. "...four times now." He crosses his arms smugly.

I scoff at him and harden my focus on the board, looking for any way out of his acclaimed checkmate. Muttering a few incoherent words to myself, I look up and put on my best puppy dog face.

"Can't I have an undo?" I beg, jutting my bottom lip out for good measure.

He laughs and shakes his head. "Psh, no. That only happens on computer games, idiot."

I glare at him, hoping he can feel the daggers I am shooting at him though my eyes. "Shut up you fat lard." I grumble, getting up from my spot on the floor and trudging to the kitchen with a laughing Kyle on my tail.

"Yes, your majesty." He bows to me gracefully, a mock-British accent in his playful voice.

I laugh and curtsy to him, though all I am wearing is baggy sweats. "Thank you, kind sir." I reply in an equally poor accent. We both laugh as I scavenge the fridge for food.

"Anything worth eating in there?" Kyle asks from the island.

I sigh and shake my head, standing straight up and closing the fridge. "Nope." I reply, popping the 'p'.

He groans and pouts, crossing his arms like a child. "But I'm hungry!" He exclaims in a whining voice.

I roll my eyes and grab the house phone, dialing the number that I have had memorized since sophomore year.

"Hi, this is Luigi's Tower of Pisa Pizza, what would you like to order today?" A cheery and female voice answered after a few rings.

"Hi, I would like to order one large pepperoni pizza, one large cheese pizza, breadsticks, and two liters of rootbeer." I state in a polite voice.

"Aha, alright. Will that be all?" She asks in return.

I shake my head. "No that will be it."

"Oo-kay." She replies, her voice revealing her focus on recording our order. "That will amount to twenty-four dollars and fifty-six cents. Will you be picking up or do you want it delivered?"

I Punched The Bad Boy: UNEDITEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum