Chapter 3: You're Cheesier Then The Cheesecake Factory

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I ran as fast as I could until I came to my locker. As quickly as I could, I opened the locker and pulled out my back pack. I began stuffing my belongings into the bag, wanting nothing more than to leave this horrid place. I sniffled and wiped away the tears on my cheeks. Quickly, I called my brother, who should be waking up by now.

"Hello?" A muffled voice said over the phone. Yea. He was just waking up.

"Cammy." I sniffled, using his name from my toddler years. This was the universal sign of when school got really bad.

"I'm on my way." He said before the line went dead.

I stuffed the phone in my pocket and walked out the doors of this hellhole.

I sat on the curb with my hood over my head, waiting for Cameron to save me from this nightmare. Thank God the rain died. Thinking about Kyle and how I was selfishly leaving him alone. I quickly pulled up his number and texted him, knowing he would be in class. My phone

"Sorry, going home. Can't stay for rest of day. Good luck amongst the hounds."

My phone buzzes and I open the message from Kyle. I

"What happened?"

I sniffled and responded.

"The devil inhabited Maria Peters."

I send the text and hear a deep laugh behind me, making me jump.

"Yea, she does seem like the devil possessed her as a child doesn't she?" Kyle says, walking over and taking a seat next to me. He drapes his large arm over my shoulders and kisses the top of my head. "I'm sorry." Is all he says. That's why Kyle is my friend, my only friend really. He understands me. He understands that I don't like talking about my problems since telling them got me trouble in the first place. I didn't want to talk and he knew that. Those two words he spoke to me were strong enough.

I grimaced as tears burned the back of my eyes. I swallowed the large lump in my throat as Kyle wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him, biting back the teardrops threatening to fall down my cheeks as he told me that it was going to be okay. Even though I successfully held the tears back, I couldn't stop the depressing thoughts that haunted me.

It wasn't okay. It never was going to be okay. The events of today proved that. Just as I thought I was making a new friend, Maria had ensured that would never happen. Now Jake would think I was a freak, damaged by her horrendous past.

God, life sucked.

I sniffled as I pulled away and looked up at Kyle.

"Thank you." I said shakily.

"No need to be thankful." He replied, wiping an escaped tear from my cheek. He pulled me back into a strong hug and we just sat there, silently, holding onto each other, our only friend.

A few minutes passed and Cameron's car came into the parking lot, halting when it pulled in from of is. Cam hustled out of the car and knelt in from of me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey." He said softly. "How you holding up?" He asked me with sympathetic eyes.

"I'm just terrific. Happy as clown on crack." I replied naturally.

Kyle chuckled underneath me as a smirk spread across Cam's face.

"Glad to see your sarcasm is still in tact."

"As always dear brother." I say dramatically, cupping his cheek with my hand.

We all share a laugh.

I Punched The Bad Boy: UNEDITEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin